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词汇 in favour of
例句 Communist theory and practice has been rejected in favour of American-style capitalism.福利主义已被抛弃,实行了美国式的资本主义。She argued in favour of this policy.她在争论中赞成这项政策。The German Chancellor and the French President have come out in favour of direct financial aid.德国总理和法国总统已经宣布支持直接的财政援助。A few people have spoken in favour of the new car park, but I'm sure the silent majority are against it.少数人说同意建造新停车场,但我敢肯定保持沉默的大多数人是反对的。Worryingly for those in favour of competition, the Minister has been resistant to this argument.令那些赞成竞争的人担心的是,部长始终拒绝接受这一论点。He is strongly in favour of capital punishment.他强烈支持死刑。The priest is all in favour of music in church, but he doesn't think rock music is appropriate.神父完全赞成在做礼拜时播放音乐,不过他觉得放摇滚乐不合适。He declared in favour of her proposal.他赞成她的建议。The judge decided the case in favour of the plaintiff.法官作出有利于原告的判决。Councillor Stone then outlined the arguments in favour of the proposed changes.斯通议员接着概述了支持所建议的改动的论据。Much of the information the clinics gave people was incomplete and biased in favour of educated middle-class clients.诊所提供的大多数信息都是不完整的,而且偏向优待受过教育的中产阶级客户。Mac talked loudly in favour of the good works done by the Church.麦克对教会的善举大加赞扬。I am all in favour of funding our elite athletes.我完全赞同为我们的杰出运动员提供资助。I argued in favour of political reform.我赞成进行政治改革。The vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the Democratic Party.压倒多数的选票投给了民主党。Only a minority of union members voted in favour of continuing the strike.工会成员中只有少数投票赞成继续罢工。The tribunal found in favour of the defendant.特别法庭判被告胜诉。He often pamphleteers and lectures in favour of free trade.他经常讲演及写小册子支持自由贸易。The paper has done much to tilt American public opinion in favour of intervention.该报做了大量工作,使得美国舆论倾向于支持干涉。You can make out an argument in favour of resigning.你可以提出一条赞成辞职的理由。The meeting voted overwhelmingly in favour of the proposal.会议以压倒多数投票赞成这项提案。He had always spoken out in favour of gay rights.他总是坚定而公开地为同性恋者的权利辩护。The committee came down in favour of setting up a national body.委员会决定支持建立一个国家机构。The leading ticket sales website is to stop using the human verification system captcha in favour of something more user-friendly.几家最大的售票网站放弃了人机鉴别验证码系统,转而采用界面更为友好的办法。The president discriminates in favour of his relatives.总裁优待他的亲戚。It seems that the report is loaded in favour of the developers.这篇报道似乎有些偏袒开发商。She stood down in favour of a more popular candidate.她退出了,让位给更受欢迎的候选人。Every one of them was in favour of hanging.他们所有人都赞成绞刑。I had eschewed politics in favour of a life practising law.我选择从事律师行业,有意避开了政治。I'm all in favour of people having smaller cars.我完全赞成人们使用小型汽车。The original plan was abandoned in favour of a new proposal.原计划被放弃,采纳了新的建议。Some are in favour of it, some are against it.有的赞成,有的反对。Those in favour of the motion, please raise your hands now.赞成这项动议者,现在请举手。Some teachers were in favour of retaining the existing system.有些教师支持保留现行制度。Environmental conservation generally works in favour of maintaining the status quo.环境保护组织通常都会为维持现有环境状况而努力。The trade secretary has been asked to stand aside in favour of her deputy.商会秘书被要求把位置让给她的副手。Her arguments are clearly slanted in favour of capital punishment, in spite of her religious convictions.虽然她有宗教信仰,她的论点还是明显倾向死刑。Senior ministers spoke in favour of the proposal.高级部长们都表示支持这项提议。He stood aside in favour of a better man.他退出来把机会留给比自己更好的人。Most UN delegates are in favour of the new peace plan.联合国多数代表都支持这一新的和平方案。




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