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例句 They have made a forceful argument in favor of changing the system.他们给出了令人信服的理由来支持制度改革。The judge ruled in favor of the defendant.法官做出了有利于被告的判决。He argued in favor of the tax cuts. 他据理力争,主张减税。With the majority voting in favor, the bill has been passed into law. 由于大多数人投赞成票,这一议案已获通过并成为法规。She turned down the scholarship in favor of a pro career.她拒绝了奖学金,选择从事职业生涯The court ruled in favor of the defendant.法院做出了有利于被告的裁决。Opinion is shifting in favor of the President's new policy.舆论正转向支持总统的新政策。Congress voted overwhelmingly in favor of the bill.国会表决时,这项提案得到压倒性的支持。The committee came down in favor of the proposal. = The committee came down on the side of the proposal. 委员会正式决定支持这项提议。A Gresham's law of White House wind has driven out fine words in favor of more words.白宫空话的格雷欣法则把许多精彩的词语逐了出去,让位于繁文冗言。The judge ruled in favor of the complainant. 法官判定原告胜诉。Most people voted for school reform. = Most people voted in favor of school reform.大多数人投票赞成学校改革。There were 16 votes in favor of my suggestion, and 15 against.十六票赞成我的建议,十五票反对。Her fresh approach to environmental issues makes her very much in favor with young voters.她处理环境问题的新方法使她在年轻选民中深得人心。The old methods have been cast/thrown aside in favor of new ones.新方法受到推崇,老方法被抛弃了。Today's election will skew the results in favor of the northern end of the county.今天的选举将使结果有利于这个郡的北部地区。It looks as if Joey, her old boyfriend, is back in favor again.看来她的前男友乔伊再度得宠了。The city of Santa Cruz has voted in favor of a resolution.圣克鲁斯市民投票支持一项决议。He is in favor of term limits for members of Congress. 他主张国会议员的任期应该有限期。The court granted/pronounced a judgment in favor of the plaintiffs.法庭做出有利于原告的判决。I'm not arguing in favor of cannabis. I'm just saying we should be careful of overreaction.我并非是在为赞成吸食大麻而争辩,我只是想说我们应该小心不要反应过激。The law has yet to be passed, despite the fact that most people are in favor of it.尽管大多数人支持这项法规,但它尚未通过。Are you in favor of hanging?你赞同绞刑吗? The ranking system is unfairly weighted in favor of the largest schools.这项排名制度有失公平地向规模最大的那些学校倾斜。He followed her lead and voted in favor of the proposal.他跟着她做,对提议投了赞同票。Many senators are pronouncing in favor of the bill.许多参议员对这项议案表示赞成。It was a Christmas when shoppers passed by expensive silks in favor of more practical gifts.这是一个购物者不理会昂贵的丝绸衣服而热衷于更实用礼物的圣诞节。The mass of public opinion is in favor of the new foreign policy.大部分的舆论赞成新的外交政策。All the affiliated organizations are in favor of the plan.所有附属组织都赞成这个计划。Not surprisingly, most voters are in favor of the tax cuts.不出意料,大多数投票者赞成减税。The senator argued in favor of lowering taxes.那位参议员极力主张减税。While most of the senators spoke against tax increases, one senator spoke in favor of them.大多数参议员都发言反对增加税收,但有一位发言表示支持。The Senate came down in favor of the appointment of Judge Thomas to the US Supreme Court.参议院最终决定支持托马斯法官在美国联邦最高法院的任命。We received information that would load the dice in favor of our arguments.我们得到了有利于我们观点的信息。He was opposed to the project at first, but then he changed sides and voted in favor of it.开始时他反对这个工程,但后来他改变立场投了赞成票。Everyone in attendance voted in favor of the measure.所有出席的人都对这个措施投了赞成票。She stretched the rules in favor of herself.她为了利己目的曲解法规。Public opinion is shifting in favor of the new law.舆论在变化,倾向于新法令。I'm all in favor of trying again.我完全赞同再试一次。The original proposal was rejected in favor of a new design.原来的提议被拒,新设计取而代之。




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