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词汇 in doubt
例句 He is in doubt as to what is needed.他拿不定主意到底需要什么。When in doubt about the meaning of a word, consult a dictionary.拿不准词义时,查查词典。The future of the company is still in doubt.这家公司仍然前途未卜。El Cid's actual existence is not in doubt.民族英雄埃尔•熙德的确存在,这毫无疑问。When in doubt, call the doctor.如有疑问,请联系医生。The building's future remained in doubt until the government agreed to restore it.这栋大楼的未来一直不确定,直到后来政府同意修缮。After yet another injury, his football career is in doubt.他再一次受伤,是否能继续他的足球事业还说不准。Gross's skill in motivation looked in doubt when his side began the second half badly.球队下半场开局不利,看来格洛斯激励队员的技巧值得怀疑。If in doubt, consult your doctor.如有疑虑就咨询你的医生。The continuation of funding was in doubt because of budget cuts.因为预算削减,继续提供资金是有问题的。He was in doubt as to whether he should accept the post.他对是否应接受这一职务拿不定主意。The arrangements for the event still seemed to be in doubt.这一活动的安排似乎仍然不确定。As the world population of Hawaiian geese has shrunk to very small numbers, the bird's continuing viability is in doubt.全球范围内夏威夷雁已经所剩无几,这种鸟能否继续繁衍下去让人怀疑。When/if in doubt, please contact us with your questions.如有疑问,请联系我们。The future of the company remains very much in doubt.公司的前景仍然很不明朗。The outcome was still in doubt.结果有待揭晓。With falling audiences, the future of this theatre is in doubt.随着观众数量的下降,这家剧院的未来堪忧。His thespian abilities have never been in doubt.他的表演能力从未受到过怀疑。The outcome of the election remains in doubt.选举的结果仍然不能肯定。If in doubt, get someone to help you.如有疑问,找个人帮你。The future of the stadium is in doubt because of a lack of money.由于缺少资金,该体育馆能否建成还不确定。The outcome was in doubt until the final seconds of the game.不到最后时刻,比赛的结果都还是未知数。If in doubt about your diagnosis, get a second opinion.如果对诊断有疑虑,不妨征求一下其他人的意见。The survival of the president's plans to cut taxes remains in doubt.总统的减税计划能否推行下去仍是个疑问。If in doubt, get in touch with your doctor.如有疑问,请与医生联系。Whenever she was in doubt,she often flipped up a coin.她一有疑惑往往就投币问卜。His intellect and mental agility have never been in doubt.他的才智和机敏从未受到怀疑。




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