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词汇 indoors
例句 It's cooler indoors.屋内更凉快。They prefer staying indoors when the weather is cold.天冷时他们宁愿待在屋里。I think perhaps we should go indoors.我想也许我们应该进屋去。It was too sunny to think of staying indoors.阳光如此明媚,根本不想待在屋内。The weather kept us indoors that day.那天天气不好,我们只好呆在屋里。The children had been indoors all day, and were getting restless.孩子们在屋里呆了一整天,开始不耐烦了。A storm was raging outside, but we were warm and comfortable indoors.虽然外面风暴肆虐,但我们在室内却温暖惬意。Fearful parents kept their children indoors.恐惧的父母让孩子们呆在室内。Go indoors and help your sister with the washing-up, you lazy young ikey.进屋去帮你姐姐洗碗碟,你这个小懒虫。Stay indoors when mosquitoes are out.蚊子出来的时候要待在室内。Having to stay indoors all day is tough on a kid.对于小孩子来说整天呆在家里是很难熬的。Most drive-ins give you two movies for less than the price of one indoors.在大多数汽车影院,花不到一场室内电影的票价就能看两场电影。What speed film do I need for taking photographs indoors?我在室内拍照片需要感亮度为多少的胶卷?Spring bulbs can be grown indoors.春球茎可在室内培育。I stayed indoors all day.我一整天都呆在屋里。She gently reminded him that the baby was getting cold and should be taken indoors.她轻声提醒他宝宝冷了,应该抱回屋里了。I germinated the plant indoors.我把这株植物养在室内。Not even the rain could keep them indoors.即便下着雨他们也不待在室内。People fled indoors from the heat.人们逃到室内躲避炎热的天气。We went indoors when it began to rain.开始下雨了,我们进到室内。He worked indoors all afternoon.他整个下午都在室内工作。Finally she waved off the last of the guests from the porch and turned back indoors with a weary sigh.最后,她在门廊挥手作别最后一拨客人,转身进门,疲惫地叹了口气。The Army makes futile attempts to scare the people back indoors.陆军徒劳地想把人们吓回户内。The heat was beginning to get to me, so I went indoors.天热得我开始难受,我就进屋了。Your children shouldn't be lazing around indoors on such a nice day.天气这么好,你的孩子们不该呆在家里无所事事。I suddenly felt chilled and had to go indoors.我突然觉得冷,不得不进屋。Spend an evening indoors watching TV.晚上呆在屋里看电视。Bring strawberry plants indoors for an early crop.把草莓植株移入室内以提早收获。I tore myself away and dashed indoors.我依依不舍地离开,一头冲进了屋里。After so long indoors the bright sunshine hurt Jack's eyes.杰克躲在室内这么长时间才出来,强烈的阳光刺疼了他的眼睛。We had to stay indoors for the duration of the crisis.在整个危机期间我们只好呆在屋里。Buy peaches that are quite firm, as they ripen very quickly indoors.桃子要买硬实的,它们在室内熟得很快。Local residents were warned to stay indoors as the rioting continued.随着骚乱的持续,当地居民被警告待在室内。The crowd moved indoors for what were deemed the most desirable items.人群为了被视为最值得拥有的物品涌入屋里。Starting from next month, smoking indoors is strictly verboten.从下个月起,严格禁止任何人在室内抽烟。Whatever are you doing indoors on such a lovely afternoon?在这么美好的下午,你到底呆在屋里干什么?We were frozen stiff by the time we got indoors.我们走进房间时已经冻僵了。The street was cordoned off and the inhabitants were warned to stay indoors.这条街道被封锁了,居民被告诫要待在室内。I'm going indoors. It's a little nippy out here.我要进屋了,外面冷丝丝的。Slippers are usually worn indoors.拖鞋通常是在室内穿的。




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