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词汇 indifferent
例句 He was coldly indifferent to other people.他对别人冷若冰霜。He found it very hard teaching a class full of indifferent teenagers.他发觉教一班无动于衷的十几岁的孩子真是头疼。Sarah was absolutely indifferent to him, and it hurt.萨拉对他冷淡极了,这令他伤心。Crook liked her well enough, but remained indifferent to her feminine charms.克鲁克还比较喜欢她,只是对她的女性魅力始终无动于衷。His opponents have tried to characterize him as indifferent to the concerns of the working class.他的对手试图把他说成是一个对工人阶级的利益漠不关心的人。They were loftily indifferent to the world outside.他们对外界漠不关心。We chatted upon indifferent subjects.我们扯了些无关紧要的话题。Her eyes assumed a weary, indifferent look.她的眼里露出一种厌倦冷淡的神色。People have become indifferent to the suffering of others.人们对他人的痛苦已变得麻木不仁。I'm an indifferent cook.我烧菜水平有限。Was the food good, bad, or indifferent?这食物是好是坏,还是一般?He was a gifted poet but an indifferent actor.他是一位天才的诗人,但却是一名平庸的演员。She seems indifferent, but deep down she's very pleased.她貌似无动於衷,其实心里非常高兴。She was amazed that people could be so indifferent about the trial. 人们对这场审讯如此无动于衷,这令她大为吃惊。The steel workers were relatively indifferent to the issue of nationalization.相对而言,钢铁工人对国有化的议题并不太关心。The festival has the usual mix of movies-good, bad and indifferent.电影节的参展影片跟往常一样良莠不齐,优秀的、低劣的和平庸的都有。We enjoyed the day, in spite of very indifferent weather.虽然天气很不怎么样,但那天我们还是玩得很高兴。It never ceases to amaze me how indifferent the public are.公众的冷漠总是让我吃惊不已。They remained stolidly indifferent to the drama of the occasion throughout.他们自始至终对这一戏剧化的场面无动于衷。They seem to be indifferent to the problems of poor people.他们似乎对穷人的问题漠不关心。It became wholly indifferent to me whether we remained in this house or not.对我来说,是否继续待在这个房子里已经完全无关紧要了。His eyes assumed a weary, indifferent look.他眼中露出一种厌倦而满不在乎的神色。We didn't like the restaurant much - the food was indifferent and the service rather slow.我们不怎么喜欢这家餐馆——饭菜一般,上菜也相当慢。The movie was poorly received by an indifferent public.公众对那部电影反应冷淡。Alice tried to act indifferent about the incident.艾丽斯努力做出一副对这一事件毫不在意的样子。She had starred in several very indifferent movies.她主演过几部表现非常一般的电影。I am absolutely indifferent to this talk.我对这番讲话全然不感兴趣。She was tired and gave a rather indifferent performance.她身体疲惫,因此表现平平。He appeared indifferent to her suffering.他对她的痛苦显得毫不在意。Of all the lazy, indifferent, unbusinesslike attitudes to have!这是多么懒惰、冷漠、不敬业的态度!I shall not be thought too Philistine and indifferent to culture.我不能被人认为太无教养,太不知书识礼。He was mute, distant, and indifferent.他一句话也不说,显得疏远而冷漠。It's quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay.你去也好,留也好,我无所谓。She was a gifted painter but an indifferent actor.她绘画很有天分,但表演一般。She was indifferent to praise and contumely alike.她对称赞与侮辱一样无动于衷。Her father was quite friendly, but her mother seemed somewhat cold and indifferent.她父亲很友好,但她母亲似乎有些冷冰冰,对人不理不睬的。I was concentrating so hard that I was indifferent to the noise outside.我思想高度集中,不在乎外面的喧嚷声。Pat sounded almost indifferent.帕特听起来几乎毫无兴趣。Much of the food we eat is of very poor or indifferent quality.我们吃的很多食物要么很难吃,要么很一般。Most staff were indifferent about the plans.大多数员工对这些计划漠不关心。




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