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例句 Reports from within the company indicate a change in policy.公司内部的报告显示政策有变。Arrows indicate the positions of the aircraft.箭头表示飞机的位置。Symbols are used to indicate the facilities available at each hotel.使用符号来表示每家酒店可提供的各类设施。Surveys indicate that supporters of the treaty are still in the majority.调查表明,该条约的支持者仍然占大多数。Polls indicate that education is the top issue with voters.民意调查显示教育在选民心中是头等大事。He rose to indicate that the conversation was at an end.他站起身来示意谈话结束。The President made a sign to indicate that he wanted to leave.总统做了个手势,表示他要走了。Horizontal lines indicate the time spent executing the program.水平线表示执行程序所花时间。These figures indicate to me that the company is in serious trouble.这些数字使我意识到公司处境艰难。Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy lifestyle with subsequent suppression of the immune system.患眼疾可能表明生活方式不健康,而且免疫系统同时受到抑制。Economic reports indicate that growth has slowed.报告表明经济增长速度放缓了。Statistics indicate that depressed patients are more likely to become ill than are normal people.统计显示抑郁症患者比正常人更容易生病。We have no hard evidence to indicate that he is the culprit.我们没有确凿的证据证明他是罪犯。The general used a long ruler to indicate on the map exactly where the troops would land.将军用一根长尺在地图上指出军队将登陆的确切地点。He raised a languid hand to indicate another questioner.他有气无力地抬起手指向另一位提问者。These symptoms indicate a protein deficiency.这些症状表明缺乏蛋白质。Nuchal rigidity may indicate the development of meningitis.颈背强直可能显示脑膜炎正在形成中。Don't forget to indicate before you pull out.驶离所在车道前别忘记打转向灯。Improved profitability may indicate an increase in competitiveness.利润率的提高或许说明竞争力有所加强。Please indicate your date of birth.请注明你的出生日期。The new evidence seemed to indicate that life existed on Mars billions of years ago.这些新的证据似乎表示,火星几十亿年前就有生命存在了。They were asked to indicate the level of distress they experienced as a result of their experiences.他们需要说明曾经经历的事给他们造成了多大的压力。Please indicate your choice on the form.请在表格上表明你的选择。The needles that indicate your height are at the top right-hand corner.显示你身高的指针在右上角。Advices from abroad indicate that war is about to begin.来自国外的消息表明战争即将开始。Surveys indicate that supporters of the treaty are still in the majority.多个调查显示,支持该条约的人仍然占多数。Arrows on the photograph indicate the presence of the chemical.照片上的箭号表明该化学物质的存在。He nodded his head to indicate his approval. = He indicated his approval with a nod of his head.他点头表示赞同。These chemicals could indicate the presence of water on the planet.这些化学物质可能表明这颗行星上有水。There's nothing to indicate that it wasn't a straightforward accident.没有任何迹象表明这不是一起简单的意外事故。The human remains indicate a gracile people with small teeth.这些人类残骸表明了那是一个长着细小牙齿的瘦小人种。Marks in the roadway seem to indicate that he skidded taking a sharp turn.从车道上的痕迹来看,他似乎在急转弯时打滑了。There is nothing to indicate that the two events are connected.没有迹象显示这两件事有关联。In this case, you should indicate that evening dress will be required.这样的话,你应该指出要穿晚礼服。Campaign finance records indicate many of the guests were donors to his own party.竞选活动的财务记录表明,许多来宾都是他这个党派的捐助人。Specific gestures can indicate particular moods.具体的手势可以表示特定的情绪。The files indicate that Smith is an alias for Simpson.从档案里可以看出史密斯是辛普森的化名。The dotted lines indicate the elongation.虚线表示延长的部分。You forgot to indicate before you made your turn.你拐弯前忘了开转向灯。Here are a few stories which indicate the originality, not to say eccentricity, of his character.这里有几个故事,表明了他奇特而并非怪僻的性格。




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