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词汇 in confidence
例句 He told me in confidence that he didn't know how to read.他私下里告诉我他不识字。She's completely lacking in confidence.她一点儿也不自信。You can speak to your doctor in confidence.你可以私下里跟你的医生讲。He'll grow in confidence once he starts at playgroup.他上了幼儿游戏班自信心就会增强。In the circumstances we'll tell you what we can, within limits, of course, and in confidence.在这种情况下,我们会把能告诉你的都告诉你,当然这是有限度的,而且需要保密。She was growing in confidence every day.她变得一天比一天自信。I'll tell you about Moira – in confidence, of course.我把莫伊拉的事告诉你吧,当然这是秘密的。As the weeks went by he grew in confidence.随着几个星期过去,他的自信心增强了。The result on Friday will give the team a boost in confidence.星期五的结果将极大地提升这个团队的信心。She felt nervous, increasingly lacking in confidence about herself.她感到紧张,对自己越来越没有信心。It is not uncommon to experience a decrease in confidence after a divorce.在离婚后信心减少是很常见的现象。Over the months she gained in confidence.几个月来她信心大增。I really can't talk about this-she told me in confidence.我真的不能谈这个 - 她是私底下告诉我的。A lot of children are lacking in confidence.许多孩子缺乏自信心。The captain was not lacking in confidence about his team's prospects.队长对自己球队的前途不乏信心。As for anything told to me in confidence, well, my lips are sealed.任何告诉我的私密,我都守口如瓶。




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