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词汇 incomprehensible
例句 Her speech was so slurred as to be almost incomprehensible.她的声音含糊不清,几乎让人听不明白。The language has widely differing and often mutually incomprehensible regional dialects.这种语言的各种方言差异巨大,相互间往往难以听懂。I find it incomprehensible that nothing has yet been done about this.对此竟然什么都没有做,我觉得真是不可思议。She found his accent virtually incomprehensible.她发现几乎听不懂他的口音。His behaviour was quite incomprehensible to me.他的行为令我十分费解。The leaflet was written in jargon that would have been totally incomprehensible to anyone outside the profession.传单里用的是行业术语,业外人士完全无法理解。It is incomprehensible that they were admitted to the program.他们竟也获准参与这个项目,真是不可思议。Latin verse remained completely incomprehensible to me.拉丁语的诗歌我仍然一点儿都不懂。It is incomprehensible that a tragedy like this could be joked about.这样的悲剧居然有人拿它开玩笑,让人难以理解。His pronunciation was incomprehensible to most of us.他的发音我们大多数人很难听懂。The ideas she espoused were incomprehensible to me.她信奉的这些观念我一窍不通。The manual occasionally lapses into incomprehensible jargon.这本指南偶尔冒出些令人费解的行话。He burbled something incomprehensible.他不知咕哝了些什么东西。I found his behavior utterly incomprehensible.我感到他的行为完全无法理解。Her pronunciation was incomprehensible to most of us.她的发音我们大多数人很难听懂。His English was incomprehensible.他的英语很难听懂。His accent made his speech incomprehensible to me.他的口音让我很难听懂他说的话。Her speech was almost incomprehensible.她的演讲几乎无人能懂。Much of the schoolboy slang still remains incomprehensible.中小学学生俚语中仍有许多是一般人所听不懂的。There followed several pages of incomprehensible statistics.接下来是数页难懂的统计资料。This report is a bodge stuffed full of incomprehensible jargon.这份报告一塌糊涂,充斥着令人费解的术语。These accounts are utterly incomprehensible. Can you explain them to me?这些账目根本就看不懂。你能给我解释一下吗?From a lay viewpoint the questionnaire is virtually incomprehensible.从外行的角度看,这份问卷调查简直让人无法理解。It's incomprehensible to me that he could have acted that way.他居然那样做事,我不能理解。To the lay mind, these technical terms are incomprehensible.对外行人来讲,这些技术术语是无法理解的。The proposition is incomprehensible to us, and hence a fortiori we cannot be justified in believing it.对此提议我们无法理解,因此更加难以信服。




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