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Yesterday she was incommunicado, putting the finishing touches to her autobiography.昨天她闭门独处,对她的自传作最后的润色。He has been arrested and is being held incommunicado.他已经被捕,现在单独监禁中。His secretary says he will be incommunicado for the rest of the day.他的秘书说他当天余下的时间都没空。He is incommunicado in a secluded cottage in Wales.他隐居在威尔士一个偏僻的小村舍里。The prisoner was held/kept incommunicado for six weeks.这个犯人被单独禁闭六周。She remained incommunicado while working on her book.她在著书期间闭门谢客。He is still in jail, incommunicado.他仍然在狱中,不能与外界接触。 |