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例句 The scene was included for comic effect.设计这个场景是为了追求滑稽效果。Pushkin was a womaniser whose conquests included everyone from prostitutes to princesses.普希金是个情场老手,各种各样的女性,从妓女到公主,都成了他的俘虏。The advertisement included misleading/false statements about the product.广告对这一产品的描述有误导/不实之词。The menu included roast grouse.菜单上有烤松鸡。Our discussion included topics such as acid rain and the melting of polar ice.我们的讨论涉及各种话题,例如酸雨和极地冰层融化。Also included in the price of the holiday are two days hiking in the High Atlas mountains.这个度假价格还包括为期两天的大阿特拉斯山区远足。His prescriptions included creosote to cure mouth ulcers.他的处方开有治疗口腔溃疡的木馏油。Mr Cook has arrived in Greece on the final stage of a tour which also included Egypt and Israel.库克先生在行程的最后一站来到了希腊,他此行还包括了埃及和以色列。The exam included several questions on/about current events.这次考试含有几道时事考题。Air-conditioning is included in the car's base price. 空调系统算在汽车的基本价格里了。No attachment was included.没有附件。Her papers included unpublished articles and correspondence.她的资料包括未发表的文章和信件。Three paintings now thought to be forgeries are included in the show三幅现在被认为是赝品的画也包括在展览中。Step-by-step instructions are included.其中包含了按步进行的操作说明。The newspaper article included a gruesome description of the murder.这篇报道中有一段对谋杀案血淋淋的描述。I am not surprised that the Booker Prize jury included it on their shortlist.我毫不惊讶布克奖评委会将其列在入选名单中。The letters are included as an addendum to the biography.这些信作为补遗收录在传记中。The meal included a delicate fish perfumed with butter and herbs.这顿饭有伴有香喷喷的香草黄油的清淡可口的鱼。For good measure, a few details of hotels were included.此外,酒店的一些详细信息也包括在内。The guests included, among others, Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson.客人中包括伊丽莎白·泰勒和迈克尔·杰克逊。The survey included questions on age and smoking habits.调查包括一些关于年龄和吸烟习惯的问题。The date of publication should be included in the reference.出版日期应包括在参考书目中。Everyone, myself/me included , liked the book better than the movie.每个人,连我在内,都更喜欢原著而不喜欢改编的电影。That item is included in the bill.那一项已列在账单里了。The recent criticism of his leadership has included potshots from several leading political journalists.近来还有几个著名的政治记者抨击他的领导才能。China will continue to push ahead financial reforms with the hope that its currency Renminbi can be included in the SDR basket later this year.中国将会继续推动金融改革,期望在今年晚些时候能够让人民币加入特别提款权篮子。Her symptoms included abdominal pain and vomiting.她的症状包括腹痛和呕吐。The patient's symptoms included a rapid pulse and labored breathing.病人的症状包括心跳过速和呼吸困难。Step-by-step instructions for assembling the workbench are included.包含了装配工作台的分步操作指示。We were offered a package deal that included plane tickets, hotel accommodations, and tickets to shows in the area.我们得到的是套票服务,其中包括机票、酒店住宿和当地的演出门票。The results of the attack included two helicopters burnt out, and three groundcrew wounded.这次袭击的结果是两架直升机焚毁,三名地勤人员受伤。The teacher's duties that morning included supervising the before-school reading program.那天上午这位教师的职责包括对课前阅读计划进行指导。The researchers included all data that was material.研究者引入了所有重要的数据。Much that is included in them has appeared in other published works, and one must dig hard for reliable new material.它们中包括的许多内容在其他已发表作品中都出现过了,所以必须要深入挖掘以找到可靠的新材料。She glanced at the table of contents to see what stories were included.她瞥了一眼目录,看看包含了哪些故事。The products the facialist prescribed included purity solution and purity clean.护肤师推荐的产品包括净肤精华和净肤洗面奶。I have included you on my mailing list for new EFL software.我已把你列入我要邮寄的新外语教学软件的名单。A list of technical terms is included here to aid the reader.此处附有科技术语表以帮助读者理解。The panel of judges included several well-known writers.评委会包括几位著名作家。The spies’ payroll included insignificant clerks and highly placed officials.间谍名单上有小职员和高官。




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