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例句 Middle-class victims of crime are more inclined to contact the police.中产阶级的罪案受害人更倾向于与警察联系。She was inclined to downplay the importance of her own role in the affair.她倾向于淡化自己在此事中的作用。I would not, if I were you, be inclined to discuss private business with the landlady.我要是你,就不会跟房东太太谈私事。A conscientious teacher may feel inclined to take work home.一个认真负责的教师就会想要把工作带回家去做。Miller and I, being somewhat punch-drunk, are more inclined to view the future cheerfully.米勒和我都有那么点稀里糊涂的,所以对未来较为乐观。Nobody felt inclined to argue with him.没人想和他争论。I only write when I feel inclined to.我只在感觉想写的时候才动笔。Jack inclined his head very slightly.杰克轻轻点了点头。They are inclined to rubber-stamp his views rather than present him with independent estimates.他们往往是唯他的意见是从,而不向他提出有独立见解的评价。Henry was inclined to seek solace in drink.亨利往往借酒消愁。He inclined his head at me in greeting.他向我点头致意。I'm inclined to agree.我更倾向于同意。I'm half inclined to take the job just because it's in Argentina.我有点倾向于接受这份工作只因为它是在阿根廷。I inclined to the opposite point of view.我赞同相反的观点。The people around here are more liberally inclined than back home.这里的人比我们那里的人思想更加开明。John, with his easy disposition, was more inclined to make light of the matter.约翰性情随和,很可能没把这太当回事儿。Commandos are inclined to shoot first and ask questions later.突击队员习惯先射击然后再讯问。Most animals are inclined to run when they feel threatened or frightened.大多数动物觉得受到威胁或惊吓时会逃跑。When Charlie became ill, I was inclined to put it down to the pressures of his job.查利生病时,我把病因归咎于他的工作压力。The land inclined gently towards / toward the shore.地面向海岸缓缓倾斜。She's very bright, but she's not academically inclined.她很聪明,但在学术方面没有天赋。They are less inclined to ask questions.他们不怎么提问。He inclined his head regally.他很有帝王风范地点了点头。Victor is inclined to be somewhat domineering.维克托总是有点专横。I'm half inclined to agree with you.你的观点我有一半是赞同的。He was inclined to agree with them.他倾向于和他们观点一致。I'm rather inclined to wait a few days before deciding.我很想在决定之前再等上几天。The leaves are inclined to scorch in hot sunshine.叶子在酷热的阳光下容易枯黄。We were both of us inclined to give such a subject a wide berth.我们两人都倾向于避开这样一个话题。Charles inclined his head.查理斯低下头来。He was inclined to self-pity.他总是自怜自叹。For the artistically inclined, the markets are full of interest.对有艺术天赋的人来说,这些市场是很有趣的。Feel free to leave early if you're so inclined. 如果你真想早点离开,那就随你的便吧。He's not very domestically inclined.他不是很居家。Bratby's grandfather had been artistically inclined.布拉特比的祖父很有艺术天分。He was inclined to disbelieve her story.他总不太相信她的说法。I'm inclined to think we've been a little harsh on her.我总觉得我们对她有点儿严厉了。I am inclined to think that the ancient Greeks understood this better than we do.我倾向于认为古希腊人对此比我们了解的更多。People are more inclined to put their hands in their pockets to help children.人们更倾向于捐款帮助儿童。I am inclined to agree with Alan.我倾向于赞同艾伦的观点。




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