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The cars caught fire on impact and some of the victims were incinerated.汽车受撞击起火,一些人被烧死。Household waste is usually incinerated after it has been collected.家居垃圾通常先被收集起来,然后焚毁。All the infected clothing was incinerated.所有沾染了细菌的衣服都被焚毁了。Such pollution can occur when used batteries are dumped in landfills or incinerated.这种污染会在废弃电池被填埋或焚烧时发生。All the clothes that were affected by radiation had to be incinerated.所有受到辐射的衣服都得焚毁。The waste is incinerated in a large furnace.垃圾在一个大型燃烧炉里焚化。 |