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词汇 incensed
例句 Fans were incensed at the decision to ban the song.歌迷们对禁止这首歌的决定极为愤怒。So incensed did I become at this that I slammed the door in his face.我对此如此愤怒,以致当着他的面砰地摔上门。I was so incensed by what he was saying I had to walk out.我被他所说的话给激怒了,愤然离席。Spectators were incensed by the referee's decision.观众对裁判的判决极为愤怒。Such careless waste incensed her.这种满不在乎的浪费现象把她给激怒了。The editor said a lot of readers would be incensed by my article on class.编辑说许多读者会被我有关社会阶层的文章激怒。She was incensed by the decision not to prosecute him.对他不予起诉的决定把她惹怒了。He followed her, incensed that she'd dared to leave him alone.他跟在她后面,对她竟敢对自己置之不理感到愤怒。I was incensed by her rudeness.我为她的无礼所激怒。Colonel Monroe became incensed when two of the junior officers did not treat him with respect.门罗上校大为恼火,因为有两名下级军官对他不恭敬。Perry was incensed by the committee's recommendations.佩里被委员会的建议激怒了。She incensed them with/by her arrogance.她的傲慢激怒了他们。Her arrogance so incensed them that they refused to speak to her.她的傲慢使他们深感愤怒,以至于他们都拒绝与她讲话。Mum was incensed at his lack of compassion.妈妈因他缺乏同情心的表现愤怒不已。Passengers are incensed that rail companies make huge profits while service remains poor.铁路公司盈利丰厚,但服务质量依然低劣,乘客对此极为愤怒。I became incensed at her behavior.我对她的行为感到愤怒。




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