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词汇 impertinent
例句 It was impertinent of him to behave like that.他那种举止很不礼貌。Could I ask how old you are, or would that be impertinent?我可不可以问你多大年纪了,或者我这样问太唐突了?She found the question highly impertinent.她觉得那个问题极不礼貌。I don't like strangers who ask impertinent questions.我不喜欢冒昧提问的陌生人。I hope he didn't think I was being impertinent when I asked him about his private life.当我询问他的私生活时,我希望他不要认为我没有礼貌。His impertinent remarks wasted valuable time.他那些不著边际的话浪费了宝贵的时间。This is impertinent to our purpose.这与我们的目的无关。By now he had gotten used to reporters’ impertinent questions about his private life.现在他已习惯了记者们对他的私生活提出唐突的问题了。You are an impertinent young woman.你是个没礼貌的姑娘。She asked a few impertinent questions.她问了几个莽撞的问题。That reply of Susan's was impertinent.苏姗的话纯粹是答非所问。He was leading up to an impertinent request.他正拐弯抹角地提出一个唐突的要求。Would it be impertinent to ask where exactly you were?.能冒昧问一下您所在的确切位置吗?He was always asking impertinent questions.他老是问一些唐突的问题。I didn't mean to be impertinent.我并不是存心不敬。




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