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词汇 impersonal
例句 Electricity is an impersonal force.电是一种自然力。The council was accused of being too remote and impersonal.该委员会被指责高高在上,不近人情。It is a huge, inflexible and impersonal organization.这是个做事古板而又没有人情味的庞大组织。Business letters do not always have to be impersonal and formal.商务信函并非总是没有人情味且十分正式的。We discussed the weather and other impersonal topics.我们讨论了天气和其他一些不涉及个人的话题。I think we should keep things entirely impersonal.我认为咱们应该保持对事不对人的客观态度。An in-house study has lent credence to the complaints of poor and impersonal service.一次在机构内部进行的调查证明大家抱怨服务糟糕、缺乏人情味是有根据的。History reduces the carnage to impersonal numbers.历史叙述把大屠杀简缩成了冷冰冰的数字。She didn't want to work for a big corporation where everything was so impersonal.她不想在大公司工作,那儿一点人情味儿都没有。Redundancy selection will probably be carried out on a fairly impersonal basis.裁员的选择将很可能在相当客观的基础上进行。Business letters do not have to be impersonal and formal.商业信函不一定要既没有人情味又模式化。The health service has been criticized for being too impersonal.人们批评公共医疗服务机构太没有人情味。The teacher's criticism of the class was impersonal.教师对班级的批评并非针对哪一个同学的。His manner seemed rather stiff and impersonal.他的态度似乎颇为生硬冷淡。Hospitals always seem so impersonal - rows of identical beds in dull grey rooms.医院看上去总是很没有人情味——灰暗的房间中都是一排排一模一样的病床。The health service has been criticized for being too impersonal.公共医疗卫生服务一向被指责缺乏人情味。Don't be so cold and impersonal.不要那么冷漠,那么不讲人情。I find the atmosphere there rather impersonal.我发现那儿的气氛相当冷淡。The law is abstract and coldly impersonal.法律既抽象又没人情味。I hate staying in hotels; they're so impersonal.我不喜欢住在酒店里,那里没有人情味。Before then many children were cared for in large impersonal orphanages.在此之前,很多儿童是被没有人情味的大孤儿院照料的。Some religions favour the idea of an impersonal god.有一些宗教倾向于一个不具人格的上帝。Even his children found him strangely distant and impersonal.连他的孩子们也觉得他莫名地疏离,没有人情味。I had no desire to work for a large, impersonal organization.我不想为缺乏人情味的大公司工作。His manner was coolly polite and impersonal.他的态度冷淡客气,公事公办。The rest of the room was neat and impersonal.房间的其他部分很整洁,不带个人色彩。Sometimes she seems a very impersonal, even unkind, mother.有时她看起来是一个非常冷漠,甚至刻薄的母亲。They just handed over the keys and walked out - it was all so impersonal.他们交过钥匙就出去了—没有一点人情味。We must be as impersonal as a surgeon with his knife.我们必须像外科医生拿手术刀时一样冷静客观,不受任何感情影响。She has a very cold and impersonal manner.她的态度非常冷淡,没有人情味。A number of patients have complained about the doctor's impersonal bedside manner.许多病人都抱怨那位医生对待病人态度过于冷漠。He made an impersonal comment on the incident.他对那一事件作了客观的评论。He maintained an impersonal, professional attitude.他秉持了一种客观的、专业的态度。His manner was cold and impersonal.他态度冷淡,不带任何感情色彩。He always tried to keep the discussions impersonal so that no one would be offended.他总是试图让讨论不带个人色彩,避免冒犯任何人。The hotel room was a little impersonal.该酒店的房间有点儿缺乏人情味。By no stretch of the imagination could his speech be described as impersonal.他的演讲再怎么说也不缺乏人情味。I gave Coe an impersonal stare.我不带任何感情地盯着科。




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