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Sometimes he is very impatient with his wife.有时候他对妻子很没耐心。The victims' relatives are growing impatient at the leisurely pace of the inquiry.对这缓慢的调查速度,受害者的家属们在逐渐失去耐心。He was ambitious and impatient for promotion.他雄心勃勃,迫不及待要得到升迁。He was very impatient with students who could not follow him.他对听不懂他讲课的学生很不耐心。Soames was getting impatient with his daughter's constant nitpicking.女儿的不断挑剔让索姆斯失去了耐心。He is impatient with those who decry the scheme.他对反对这一计划的人很不耐烦。He is impatient as the first hour passes and then another.一个小时、两个小时过去了,他不耐烦了。She waved us away with an impatient gesture.她不耐烦地挥手打发我们走开。They are impatient for jobs and security.他们渴望得到工作,获取安全感。The big clubs are becoming increasingly impatient at the rate of progress.大牌俱乐部对缓慢的进展越来越不耐烦了。He was impatient with himself for his incompetence in not understanding what was going on.他因为不能理解眼前所发生的事而不胜烦躁。Don't be so impatient. I'm working as fast as I can.别那么没有耐心,我已在尽快干了。We became impatient of the slow progress that was being made.我们对缓慢的进度开始感到厌烦。He made a gesture that said he would be impatient.他作了个手势,表示他快不耐烦了。It's true she gets madly impatient with him, but what mother doesn't?…她确实对他极其不耐烦,但哪个母亲不是这样呢?The sales clerks were abrupt and impatient with the customers.销售人员对待顾客态度唐突且缺乏耐心。The rain spilled in impatient spurts.恼人的雨一阵阵泼下。We are growing impatient with the lack of results.没有结果让我们都急躁起来。Beware of being too impatient with others.注意不要对别人太不耐烦。The children were growing impatient.孩子们越来越不耐烦了。Her voice sharpened as she became impatient.她变得不耐烦了,声音也变尖了。After months of delays, customers are becoming/growing impatient.拖延了数月之后,顾客们开始不耐烦了。By this time there was a queue of impatient customers waiting to be served.这时,已经有一队很不耐烦的顾客在等着有人去招呼他们。He was impatient to get home.他迫不及待想要回家。He was impatient for the departure of his flight.他焦急地等待航班起飞。She's rather inclined to become impatient.她特别容易不耐烦。I felt a bit of remorse for being so impatient.我为自己如此急躁而感到些许自责。She's getting impatient about the delays.一再拖延使她变得急躁起来。She became impatient at her own failure.她对自己的失败感到窝火。Customers have grown impatient with/at the repeated delays.顾客们已经对一拖再拖感到不耐烦了。Sean was a little impatient at the time Valerie devoted to her mother.肖恩有点儿忍受不了瓦莱丽花太多时间在她母亲身上。The man I was relieving in the observation post was impatient when I arrived.在观察哨等我换班的那个士兵在我到达的时候显得不耐烦了。People say that students are by definition idealistic and impatient.人们说学生总是理想化的、急躁的。I grew impatient with his pitiful excuses for being late.他迟到的理由太拙劣了,让我越来越受不了。He went on listening to her, at times impatient and at times fascinated.他继续听她讲,有时很不耐烦,有时深受吸引。He threw it aside with an impatient gesture and another oath and walked off.他不耐烦地把它扔到一边,又骂了一句,然后走开了。As the months went on, he became impatient.一个又一个月过去,他逐渐变得不耐烦了。He spoke in a somewhat impatient tone.他说话的口气有些不耐烦。She was impatient to leave.她迫不及待地想要离开。His petulance made her impatient.他的任性让她很不耐烦。 |