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词汇 immunized
例句 We should require that every student is immunized against hepatitis B.我们应要求每个学生都注射乙肝疫苗。Parents are advised to have their children immunized against diphtheria.建议家长让孩子接种抗白喉疫苗。All parents should have their children immunized.所有父母都应给孩子打疫苗。They immunized some mice with a dose of the live vaccine.他们给一些老鼠注射了一针减毒活疫苗进行免疫。Doctors recommend that all children be immunized against polio and tuberculosis.医生建议所有儿童都接受小儿麻痹症和肺结核的免疫注射。The monkeys had been immunized with a vaccine made from infected cells.这些猴子已经注射了由受感染的细胞培养而成的疫苗。All the children have been immunized against polio.所有儿童都接种了脊髓灰质炎疫苗。Every student is immunized against hepatitis B.每个学生都接种了乙肝疫苗。Many people had to be immunized after being exposed to the disease.很多人在接触这种疾病后必须接种疫苗。




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