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词汇 ill-equipped
例句 He was personally ill-equipped to lead creative people.他个人能力不足,领导不了创意型人才。Our schools are overcrowded, understaffed, and ill-equipped.我们的学校扩招过度,教职员不足,设备不良。The walkers were ill-equipped for extreme weather conditions.步行者们缺乏必要的装备来应付极端恶劣的天气条件。He is ill-equipped to handle so much responsibility.他无力承担这么多责任。In a short-sleeved rain jacket, he seemed ill-equipped to handle the wet and windy conditions.他穿着短袖雨衣,似乎难以对付这风雨交加的天气。I felt ill-equipped to teach such young children.我觉得教年纪这么小的孩子能力还不够。The organization is ill-equipped to deal with the problems it may encounter.该组织无力应对可能遇到的问题。They often leave prison ill-equipped for life and work on the outside.他们离开监狱时常常是一无所长,没有足够能力应付监狱外面的生活和工作。He is ill-equipped emotionally, morally, and intellectually for the task.他在情感上、道德上以及学识上都不能胜任这个任务。They were ill-equipped to fight.他们带着简陋的装备准备作战。The children were ill-equipped for hill-walking.这些孩子缺乏走山路的装备。Their army is ill-equipped for modern warfare.他们的军队装备不良,不能进行现代化战争。Universities were ill-equipped to meet the massive intake of students.各大学设备不足,难以满足招入的大量学生的要求。Most of these small farms are ill-equipped.这些小农场大多数都欠缺设备和技术。




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