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词汇 ignores
例句 The press typically ignores a problem until it causes a crisis.新闻界通常对问题视而不见,直到它酿成危机。Your editorial blithely ignores the hard facts.你的社论全然无视铁一般的事实。He blithely ignores everyone's complaints about the software.他亳不在乎大家对该软件的抱怨。He's a bit funny - sometimes he's very friendly, other times he just ignores you.他有点古怪—有时候很友好,有时候又会对你不理不睬。This approach ignores the complexity of modern business.这种方法忽视了现代商业的复杂性。This ignores the fact that many employers break the law on purpose.这无视了很多雇主都是有意违法的事实。This approach ignores the fact that people, not computers, commit crimes.这种方法忽视了一个事实,即犯罪的是人,而不是计算机。His argument ignores the multitude of factors that go into reducing poverty. It's based on faulty logic.他的论点无视减少贫困涉及的多方面因素。它的逻辑基础是错误的。He ignores the traditional Christian dualism between body and soul.他无视传统基督教的肉体与灵魂的二元论。He ignores come-ons from the many women who seem to find him attractive.很多女人似乎觉得他富有魅力,因而大献殷勤,他对此却一概不予理会。The government ignores the needs of the majority in order to line the pockets of the favoured few.政府无视大多数人的需求而为少数特权者牟利。He believes that his records speak for themselves and ignores those who diss him.他相信他的履历足以说明问题,对那些瞧不起他的人不予理会。A grand jury ignores an indictment.大陪审团可驳回刑事起诉。He is a flamboyant millionaire who ignores social conventions.他是个派头十足、无视社会惯例的百万富翁。He just switches off and ignores me.他就是不听我的话,对我不理不睬。Using his daughter's case as a jumping-off point, he described a justice system that ignores the rights of the victim.他从他女儿的事情说起,描述了无视受害者权利的司法体系。He who ignores history is doomed to repeat it.谁无视历史,谁就注定要重蹈其覆辙。




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