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词汇 identity
例句 In future, staff must wear identity badges at all times.从今以后,员工必须一直佩戴身份证章。The company chose a name that would affirm its French identity.公司选择了一个能强化其法国身份的名称。They share a collective identity, united by an independent spirit.他们有着共同的集体认同,由一种独立的精神团结在一起。The country suffered from an identity crisis for years after the civil war.内战结束后这个国家陷于认同危机长达数年。Be prepared to show your identity papers at the border.准备好在边境出示你的身份证件。She stumbled on his true identity.她意外地发现了他的真实身份。The comedy's plot relies on a case of mistaken identity, but the joke wears thin.这出喜剧的情节依赖于角色错位,但是里面的笑料已经失去吸引力了。The accuser's identity is already well known.大家都已经知晓原告的身份。Spanish identity documents state the bearer's profession.西班牙的身份证件会注明证件持有者的职业。He closely guarded her identity.他对她的身份守口如瓶。When answering the door, always check the identity of callers.去开门时一定要问清楚来访者的身份。How can we protect ourselves against identity theft?我们如何才能保护自己免受身份盗窃呢?Many minority groups are struggling to maintain their cultural identity.许多少数民族都在努力维护自己的文化认同。It was easy to guess the identity of the thief.小偷的身份很容易推测。There are conflicting reports about the identity of the hostage.有关人质身份的报道相互矛盾。He had not resolved his identity issue.那时他还没解决他的身份问题。His search for his cultural identity took him to where his parents were born.为了寻找文化认同感,他回到了父母的出生地。These results could prove decisive in establishing the criminal's identity.这些结果对确定罪犯的身份将具有决定性的作用。The identity of the suicide bombers remained unknown.这些自杀性爆炸者的身份依然不明。My identity was denoted by a plastic label on my wrist.我手腕上的塑料标签表明了我的身份。He flashed his Berkeley university identity card.他亮出了伯克利大学的身份卡。Failure to produce proof of identity could result in prosecution.不出示身份证明可能会被起诉。Most of the people interviewed requested that their identity should not be disclosed.被采访的大多数人要求不要透露他们的身份。Ethnic minorities have struggled to retain their cultural identity, and have for the most part succeeded.少数民族一直在力图保持其文化特点,且大部分都取得了成功。A person's name and their sense of their own identity are often closely bound up together.一个人的名字和他对自己身份的认知经常紧密联结在一起。The bus was stopped and silence fell on the passengers as the police checked identity cards.公交车被拦住了,警察检查身份证时,乘客们鸦雀无声。Through a process of deduction, the detectives discovered the identity of the killer.经过一番仔细推断,警探们搞清了杀手的身份。I cannot reveal the identity of my source.我不能透露我的消息来源。The Home Secretary denied that the introduction of identity cards would lead to a police state.内政大臣否认推行身份证会使国家变成一个警察国家。The company adopted a new corporate identity, including a new logo.公司推出了新的企业形象,采用了新的标识。Her job as a consultant was just a cover for her true identity as a secret agent.她的顾问工作只是为其特工的真实身份打掩护的。The police soon established his true identity.警察很快确认了他的真实身份。The identity of the criminal/victim is not known.罪犯/受害人的身份不明。She has submerged her identity in the role of photographer's wife and muse.她完全湮没了自我,全心全意地做摄影师的妻子并为他提供艺术灵感。Everyone has to show their identity cards at the entrance to the building.在大楼的入口,每个人都必须出示身份证。The people on the island have a sense of common identity.这个岛上的人有着共同的身份认同感。You'll need your passport as proof of identity.你需要护照作为身份证明。Do you have any proof of identity?你有任何证明身份的东西吗?Sex identity is fixed at conception.在受孕时婴儿的性别就确定了。He didn't enquire as to my identity.他没有询问我的身份。




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