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词汇 identify
例句 Several calls have come in from people who think they can identify the two men.已经有好几个人打电话来,说他们可以认出那两名男子。Winters believes she has been successful because people identify with her and trust her.温特斯认为自己是成功的,因为人们认同她,信任她。There was a savor to the dish that I couldn't identify.这道菜有种我说不出的味道。So you want to talk to them, identify that they are a candidate, and then give them the test all at the same time?那么你是想和他们谈谈,确认他们是候选人,然后对他们同时进行测试?Never identify wealth with happiness.千万不要把财富和幸福等同起来。I could speak their language and identify with their problems because I had been there myself.我会讲他们的语言,能体会他们的难处,因为我自己曾在那里呆过。He didn't seem to be able to identify with ordinary people and their aspirations.他似乎不能体会普通民众的情感和他们的期盼。Further inquiries will be conducted in an endeavour to identify the person.将进行深入的调查以确认此人的身份。The pressbook did not specifically identify the film's setting.宣传材料没具体说明电影的背景。He has stepped up efforts to identify and acquire other small companies.他加紧努力寻找并收购别的小公司。The primary need is to identify problem areas.首先是要找到问题所在。You identify the able pupils and you extend them and you push them forward.你识出有才华的学生,锤炼他们,推其上进。Some people identify industrialization with economic development.有些人把工业化等同于经济发展。They try to identify every possible risk.他们试图确定每个可能存在的风险。Participants learn to identify different species by their calls.参与人员学习通过分析鸣叫声音来分辨不同的品种。When the police asked his name, he refused to identify himself.警方询问他的姓名时,他拒绝透露身份。We want to identify employees who have leadership potential.我们想在员工中发掘有潜在领导才能的人。The test should identify which smokers are most prone to develop lung cancer.这项检查应该可以确认哪些吸烟者更容易得肺癌。Many women of normal weight feel unable to identify with the super-thin models in fashion magazines.许多体重正常的女性对时尚杂志中那些超瘦的模特儿无法产生认同感。Humans can easily identify with the emotional expressions of chimpanzees.人类很容易对黑猩猩的情感表达产生共鸣。There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can identify a Hollywood epic.好莱坞史诗巨片有许多突出的特点,很好辨认。Never identify opinions with facts.切莫把定见与事实混为一谈。I cannot identify this signature.我识别不出这是谁的签字。A robin is easy to identify because of its red breast.知更鸟因其胸脯是红色的很容易辨认。The politician refused to identify himself with the Administration's foreign policy.那位政治家拒不支持政府的外交政策。They could not identify the source of the quotation.他们无法找到引文的出处。He refused to identify himself with the new political party.他拒绝参与那个新政党。As dusk fell, we began to identify the stars.暮色降临,我们开始辨认星星。We anonymize the data so researchers cannot identify any individual subjects.我们将数据做匿名化处理,这样研究人员就无法辨认单个的实验对象。Our tastes do not always identify.我们的爱好并不总是一样的。Did you identify all the pictures correctly?你把所有照片都认对了吗?The researchers hope to identify ways to improve the treatment.研究人员希望找到提高治疗效果的方法。It is important for manufacturers to identify potential problems at the design stage.制造商在产品的设计阶段就应该发现潜在的问题,这一点很重要。Put your plastic card in the slot, and the machine will read it and identify who you are.把你的信用卡插入槽内,机器就会读卡并辨认你的身份。Insurance companies identify six main categories of driver.保险公司确定出司机的六大类别。After several false starts, the researchers were finally able to identify the virus causing the epidemic.经过几次失败后,研究人员终于识别出引发这种流行病的病毒。Most birds cannot identify their parents at birth and simply follow the first moving object they see.大部分鸟在出生时都不认得父母,只会跟着它们所看见的第一个会移动的物体走。We identify your needs, and tailor your training accordingly.我们找出你们的需求,并相应地制定培训方案。The newspaper declined to identify the source of the allegations.报社拒绝透露那些说法的来源。Someone has to formally identify the body.必须有人出面正式确认死者的身份。




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