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词汇 hype
例句 Unfortunately I fell for the hype and bought one.很不幸,我对说得天花乱坠的广告信以为真,并买了一件。Everyone at school used to hype each other up about men all the time.过去在学校大家经常相互煽动彼此对男人的兴趣。After much media hype, now everybody believes that he has a mental disease.经过媒体的大肆宣传之后,现在每个人都认为他有精神病。The movie was good, but I didn't think it was worth all the fuss/hype.这部电影是不错,但我认为用不着那么大吹大播。The cosmetics industry is usually quick to hype its new products.化妆品行业通常在新产品一推出时便大肆宣传。The announcer was trying to hype the crowd up before the show started.播音员试图在演出开始前让观众激动起来。This new game is getting plenty of hype.新游戏正被大肆炒作。Despite all the hype, I thought the book was pretty boring.这本书尽管大肆宣传,我还是觉得挺枯燥的。We are certainly seeing a lot of hype by some companies.我们无疑已经看到来自一些公司的大肆宣传。Divested of the hype surrounding its launch, the show can now emerge as a full-fledged classic.没有了上映时的炒作,这场演出现在可以作为一部真正意义上的经典之作亮相了。The magazine is planning to cash in on the hype surrounding the celebrity's wedding by publishing exclusive photos of the ceremony.这家杂志计划独家发布那位名人婚礼庆典的照片并进行炒作,以此赚钱。After months of promotional hype, the band finally released their new album.经过数月的宣传炒作,乐队终于发行了他们的新专辑。My products aren't based on advertising hype, they sell by word of mouth.我的产品销售靠的不是天花乱坠的广告宣传,而是良好的口碑。Open source has become a little bit of a hype in a way.在某种程度上,开放源码已经成为有点被大肆宣传的东西了。Everyone will tell you their product is best but this is just marketing hype.谁都会说自家的产品是最好的,但这不过是营销炒作而已。The media tends to hype up the glamour side of women's sport.媒体常常夸大女性运动有魅力的一面。We had to hype the film to attract the financiers.我们不得不大肆宣传这部电影以吸引投资人。The movie failed to live up to all the hype.这部电影被吹上了天,其实盛名难副。There's a lot of hype surrounding the book.有很多把这本书说得天花乱坠的广告。There was a great deal of media hype surrounding the senator's announcement.围绕参议员的宣告出现了大量媒体炒作。I've been put off reading the book by all the hype.所有的宣传炒作让我对这本书产生了反感。Despite the hype, there was nothing in the book to astonish readers.尽管宣传声势浩大,这本书却没有什么能够让读者眼前一亮的地方。The hype surrounding the event positively invited criticism.围绕这件事的大肆渲染必然会招来批评。The president created media hype by visiting cities down south.总统访问南部乡下,制造媒体宣传。Is it really Kevin Costner's best film performance, or is that just media hype?这真是凯文·科斯特纳演得最好的一部影片,还是只是媒体的炒作?Adrenaline is pumped out and blood sugars are released into the blood stream, all of which help hype up the body for action.肾上腺素的释放和血糖进入血流,都会帮助身体兴奋起来为行动做准备。He was described as overrated media hype.他被描述为被媒体过高评价的人。I don't believe all the hype about how good the French team will be this season.那些吹嘘法国队在本赛季将会如何出色的宣传,我不相信。Some experts are concerned that the new drug won't live up to all the hype.一些专家担心这种新药并不像宣传的那么好。His assignment is to hype up the crowd.他的任务是给人们鼓劲打气。There was a big media hype for that new movie.那部新推出电影有很大的媒体宣传。The music videos are always an opener to hype up the guests.音乐短片常用作开场,活跃来宾气氛。The company is anxious to play down the media hype.公司急于淡化媒体的炒作。




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