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词汇 hurled
例句 Simon caught the grenade and hurled it back.西蒙接住手榴弹,又把它大力掷了回去。A woman had hurled racist invective at the family.一个女人对那家人大骂有种族歧视的脏话。The fans hurled/shouted insults at the referee as he walked off the field after the game.赛后裁判员离场时,球迷们对他大骂/大喊。Demonstrators hurled abuse at councillors as they entered the council building in Glasgow.格拉斯哥的示威群众在议员进入议会大楼时朝他们谩骂。Carl screamed and hurled oaths as he was dragged out of the room.卡尔被从房间里拖出去时大叫大骂。In a sudden paroxysm of rage, Craig hurled it across the room.克雷格突然勃然大怒,把它猛力扔到房间另一端。The Dunfermline keeper hurled himself across his goal to claw the ball to safety.邓弗姆林队的门将在球门前侧身跃起,把球稳稳地抓住。She hurled the ashtray across the room, narrowly missing my head.她用力把烟灰缸从房间那头扔过来,差点砸到我的脑袋。They hurled defiant taunts at the riot police, who responded in kind.他们向防暴警察挑衅大骂,防暴警察同样回骂他们。Rioters hurled chairs through the windows.聚众闹事者把椅子扔到窗外。He picked up the chair and hurled it across the room.他抓起椅子朝房间另一头扔去。He hurled all the books out of the window.他把书全都扔出窗外。One prisoner set fire to rags and hurled them into the courtyard.一个犯人点燃破布扔进了院子。Stooping down, he picked up a big stone and hurled it.他弯腰捡起一块大石头投了出去。He hurled a chair at me.他朝我扔来一把椅子。How would you handle being locked in the back of a cab while the driver hurled abuse at you?如果你被锁在出租车后座上而且还遭到司机的无礼谩骂,你会怎么办?One error and he would have been torn loose and hurled overboard by the wind.稍有差错,风早就把他掀翻,从船上抛入水中了。They hurled abuse at their victim as they doused him with petrol.他们一边大声辱骂这名受害者一边将汽油淋在他身上。Stooping down, he picked up a big stone and hurled it.他俯身捡起一块大石头扔了出去。He was hurled headlong down the stairs.他被人猛地一推,一头栽下了楼梯。He hurled himself over the fence and ran.他纵身跳过篱笆跑了。I wasn't going to stand there while he hurled abuse at me!我不会站在那儿任他大声辱骂!Abuse was hurled at workers who crossed the picket line.越过罢工纠察线的工人遭到了肆意谩骂。Raft repeatedly hurled verbal abuse at his co-star.拉夫特不断地破口大骂和他联合主演的演员。I was hurled bodily to the deck.我整个人都被摔到了甲板上。Someone hurled a rock through the window.有人往窗户里扔了块石头。Riot police hurled tear gas canisters and smoke bombs into the crowd.防暴警察向人群中投掷了催泪瓦斯罐和烟幕弹。He tied weights to the sack and hurled it into the river.他在袋子上系了些重物,然后把它丢到河里。Players from the opposing team hurled insults at them.对方球员辱骂他们。The protesters hurled insults at us.抗议者对我们恶语相向。Coughing and spluttering, we hurled open the windows.我们一边咳嗽着、吐着唾沫,一边使劲推开了窗户。The prisoner hurled/shouted/screamed abuse at the judge.那个囚犯对法官破口大骂。An angry mob screamed abuse and hurled missiles during clashes with police yesterday.在昨天与警方的冲突中,愤怒的暴民向警察又是辱骂又是投掷东西。The piano was hurled outside.钢琴用汽车运到了外面。The officer hurled insults at him.长官大声辱骂他。He tore off his jacket and hurled it into a doorway.他胡乱地脱下夹克,扔到了门口。Groups of angry youths hurled stones at police.一群群愤怒的年轻人向警察投掷石块。Two inmates hurled slates at prison officers spraying them with a hose.两名囚犯朝着用水管向他们喷水的狱警们扔石板瓦。Abuse was hurled at the police.警察遭到了谩骂。He hurled a retort at his accuser.他大声驳斥指责他的人。




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