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词汇 arena
例句 A member of congress works in the political arena.国会议员在政界活动。The Hurricanes have a new home arena.飓风队有了一个新的主场。The arena was completely empty.整个竞技场空无一人。The arena livens up only on Saturdays and Sundays when a flea market is open there.只有在周六周日跳蚤市场开市时,这片场地才会热闹起来。The arena was bathed in warm sunshine.赛场沐浴在温暖的阳光中。He left the political arena, bloody but unbowed, and returned to private life.他离开政坛,伤痕累累却不低头,又过起了自己的日子。Some documents have now emerged into the public arena.现在公众已可以看到一些文件。Women are entering the political arena in larger numbers.越来越多的女性进入政界。Several fans climbed onto the roof of the arena to get a better view.为了看得更清楚,一些球迷爬上了运动场的屋顶。Publishers must move into the electronic arena.出版商们必须进入电子出版领域。The crowd filtered into the arena.人群陆续走进表演场。Politics is by no means the only arena in which women are excelling.政坛绝不是女性大显身手的唯一舞台。This pitched him into the political arena.这使他从此走上了政治舞台。The gladiators fight for their lives in an arena decorated with statues of Roman emperors.角斗士们在饰有罗马皇帝雕像的竞技场内为生命而战。The arena livens up on Saturdays and Sundays when a flea market is open there.这片场地一到周六和周日跳蚤市场开市便热闹起来。The conference should provide an arena for marketing our products.那个大型会议可以成为我们推销产品的一个机会。The championship prize-winners made a brave sight as they entered the main arena.锦标赛的获奖者们进入主赛场时场面十分壮观。The competitors cantered into the arena to conclude the closing ceremony.选手们慢跑进入竞技场,为闭幕式画上了句号。He left the arena to loud applause.他在热烈的掌声中离开了赛场。As we came into the arena, we were jostled by fans pushing their way towards the stage.我们进入场内时,被拥向舞台的歌迷们推来搡去。The company has developed a reputation as a technological laggard in the personal-computer arena.该公司在个人电脑领域因技术落后遭人诟病。The arena was scarred by deep muddy ruts.赛场上留下了深深的车辙泥痕。He had no desire to enter the political arena.他无意进入政界。Barre was quickly drawn into the electoral arena, although with singular lack of success.尽管胜算微乎其微,巴雷还是很快被身不由己地推到了选举的舞台上。The new premier is making his début in the global arena.新总理正在世界舞台上初露头角。The competitors'arena had been marked off with cones.比赛场地已经用圆锥筒分隔出来了。A 20,000-seat arena with a retractable roof is planned.一个有两万个座位、带可开合顶棚的体育场正在规划中。The rider has to halt the horse in the arena.骑手不得不在赛场上让马停下来。The economic arena has been dominated by that country.经济领域一直被那个国家主导。Noise filled the arena.运动场内闹哄哄的。The champion made his usual dramatic entry into the arena.冠军得主像往常一样引人注目地进入运动场。The arena was bathed in warm sunshine.竞技场沐浴在温暖的阳光中。The crowd in the arena shouted for the gladiator to finish off his opponent.竞技场的观众高喊着让角斗士彻底干掉对手。I want to work outside the arena of competition.我希望在远离竞争的地方工作。The company has been very successful in the commercial arena.这家公司在商界一直很成功。Police at the barriers funnelled the crowd into the arena.栅栏旁边的警察指挥着人流进入体育场。We arrived at the arena just a few minutes before tip-off.我们刚好在比赛开始前几分钟到达球场。The arena won't be finished until private donors fork over more money.体育场要等有了更多的私人捐助才能建成。This observation also applies in the environmental policy arena.这一评论也适用于环境政策领域。At the Sheffield arena, the speakers were magnified ten times on a giant screen.在设菲尔德体育馆,演讲者在一个巨大的屏幕上被放大了十倍。




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