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词汇 hung
例句 Mrs Brown hung the washing on the line to dry.布朗太太把洗好的衣服挂在绳上晾干。Lights had been strung together and hung from the trees.灯被串起来挂到了树上。A pall of smoke hung over the city.城市上空烟雾迷漫。I wrung the towel and hung it up to dry.我拧掉毛巾里的水,然后把它挂起来晾干。I hung around outside, waiting for the others.我呆在外面等其他的人。He hung back from asking questions.他犹豫着没提出问题。She was so angry she hung up on him.她气得挂断了他的电话。They hung the map up.他们把地图挂起来。The watch was on a gold chain that hung from his belt.表上系着金链子,挂在他的腰带上。The sun hung low over the misted trees.太阳低悬在薄雾笼罩着的树梢之上。Dried herbs hung in bunches from the kitchen rafters.厨房的椽上垂挂着一串串干药草。Instinctively he hung back in the shelter of a rock.他本能地退到了一块岩石后面。Her long greasy hair hung down to her shoulders.她那油腻腻的长发披落在肩头。The lingering stench of putrefaction hung in the air.腐败产生的恶臭在空气中久久不散。I didn't need the overcoat, so I hung it back in the wardrobe.我不需要那件大衣,所以把它挂回到衣橱里。Sally hung around for over an hour but no-one came.萨莉空等了一个多小时,但一个人也没来。She hung the wash on the line.她将洗好的衣服晾在绳子上。He hung his clothes out to dry in the open air. 他把衣服挂到户外晾干。Are you really that hung up on her?你真的对她如此念念不忘吗?He felt exceedingly hung up among those people.在那些人中间他感觉到浑身不对劲。When things got tough, the company hung us out to dry.当情况变糟糕时,公司对我们不管不顾。He hung up a record for long-distance swimming.他创了长距离游泳的纪录。Banners hung from every window.每一扇窗户都挂出了标语。Her hair hung straight down, lank from the rain.她的头发淋了雨水很平直地垂了下来。She hung about until she saw him again.她在附近待着,直至又见到他。Hams hung from the rafters of the smokehouse.烟熏室椽子上挂满了火腿。I hung out the sheets to dry.我把床单挂到外面晾干。She hung from the trapeze by one leg.她用一条腿勾在高空秋千上倒悬着。Apples hung thick on the trees.树上挂满了苹果。His career as a politician hung in the balance.他的政治生涯前途未卜。The tree's roots are stripped and hung to season and bleach.树根剥了皮后,挂起来让它风干并晒褪色。On the wall you could see the faint outline of where a picture had once hung.你可以隐约看出墙上那块地方曾挂过一幅画。Her coat hung on a peg by the door.她的外套挂在门边的挂钩上。He was hung up at the office and missed his train.他在办公室里耽搁了一些时间,以致没有赶上火车。She removed her jacket and hung it over the chair.她脱掉夹克,把它搭在椅子上。He woke up groggy and hung over.他醒来时昏昏沉沉的,处于宿醉状态。He didn't much care for the stuffed animal heads that hung on the walls.他不是很喜欢墙上挂的那些动物头颅标本。Pigs were butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.杀了猪,猪腿挂在天花板上风干。He said he'd call again, and hung up on me.他说他会再打过来,就突然挂断了电话。I hung the picture on the wall.我把画挂到了墙上。




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