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词汇 howling
例句 Ray jumped up and started howling obscenities at the referee.雷跳了起来,开始用下流话对裁判怒吼。We got stuck in a howling blizzard.我们被困在怒号的暴风雪中。He was involved in a howling dancing crowd.他卷入了边吼边舞的一群人之中。The dogs were howling at the moon.那群狗对着月亮狂吠。Not a sound was heard except the wind howling.除了风的怒吼声之外其他什么声音都听不见。It sank in a howling gale.它在呼啸的狂风中沉没了。We could hear the wind howling outside as the storm intensified.风暴加剧,我们可以听到外面狂风怒号。Torrential rain and a howling tempest cut a swathe of destruction across the country.狂风暴雨横扫全国,所到之处,一片狼藉。The big day dawned with a howling wind and heavy rain.那个重大的日子天一亮就狂风咆哮,大雨倾盆。She heard the child howling for its mother.她听到孩子在大哭着找妈妈。The movie was a howling success.这部电影取得了极大的成功。The wind was howling through the trees.风呼啸着穿过树林。We got caught in a howling gale.我们遭遇了呼啸的狂风。The children all started howling.孩子们全都号啕大哭起来。He depicted the frontier as a howling wilderness inhabited by uncivilized savages.在他的描写中,边疆是个荒芜之地,住着一些未开化的野蛮人。The howling winds strummed the rigging.怒吼的风刮得帆缆啪啪作响。She heard the eerie noise of the wind howling through the trees.她听到风吹过树丛发出怪异而可怕的呼啸声。Molly leapt to her feet, spluttering and howling with rage.莫利跳了起来,气急败坏地大吼起来。The dog jumped the gate and ran away howling.那条狗跃过大门狂吠着跑开了。Somewhere, someone was howling in pain.不知在哪里,有个人痛苦地叫喊着。He was greeting and howling like a kid.他正像小孩子一样号啕大哭。The howling of wild animals kept him awake night after night.野兽的嗥叫使他整夜整夜睡不着觉。The scalded man is howling in agony.烫伤的人痛得直叫。A howling gale and torrential rain lashed the windows.狂风暴雨猛烈地拍打着窗户。The comedian had the audience howling with laughter.喜剧演员把观众逗得开怀大笑。We could hear the howling of wolves, muffled by forest and mist.我们隔着森林和雾气,隐隐听到狼嚎声。Her dog was howling at the door, so he let it in.她的狗在门口狂吠,于是他让它进去了。Republicans have been howling for military intervention.共和党人一直在愤怒地要求进行军事干预。




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