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例句 However difficult she might have been, this book exalts her as both mother and muse.尽管她可能很难相处,这本书仍然对既是母亲又是诗人的她给予了高度赞扬。However much people have criticized her policies, no one will gainsay her courage.无论人们如何批评她的政策,没人可以否认她的勇气。However hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off a whole pizza.无论有多饿,我似乎都吃不下一整个比萨饼。However many times we have won the Premiership, we've never gone in for bragging.无论我们取得过多少次联赛冠军,我们从来不喜欢吹嘘。However much people have criticised her style and some of her policies no one will gainsay her courage.无论人们如何强烈地批评她的处事风格和某些政策,她的勇气却无人能够否认。However did you know that?你到底怎么知道那件事的? This is one possible solution to the problem. However, there are others.这是该问题的一种可能的解决办法,但还有其他的办法。However, UK imports seem to be almost entirely insensitive to the exchange rate these days.然而,目前英国的进口似乎基本不受汇率影响。Some of the food crops failed. However, the cotton did quite well.一些粮食作物枯萎了,可棉花却长势良好。I feel a bit tired. However, I can hold on.我有点累了,但我能坚持下去。However you look at it, it's still a mess.无论你怎么看,它仍是一团糟。I hoped he might offer me a job. However, he didn't.我还盼着他能给我提供一份工作,但是,他没有。However, in deciding on extensive mechanization, the concept of elite armoured forces had been lost.然而,在决定实现全面机械化的过程中,精锐装甲部队的观念早丢掉了。However, for women this was reversed.但对于女性来说则是恰恰相反的。However, he underestimates the scale of the problem.然而,他低估了问题的严重性。However, this calculation was based on a glaring error.然而,这个计算结果是基于一个明显差错得出的。However you explain the motives behind his actions, he was still wrong.不管你如何解释他行为背后的动机,他仍旧是错了。However, the main core of the company performed outstandingly.然而,该公司的主营业务却表现出色。However, these are special cases.然而,这些是特例。However we adopt healthcare reform, it isn't going to save major amounts of money.不管我们采取何种医疗改革措施,都省不下太多钱。I'm delighted I could be here today. However, I didn't come here to talk about myself.今天能在这儿,我感到很高兴。但是,我来这儿不是为了谈论自己。Sales are up this quarter. However, expenses have increased as well.本季度销售额有所上升。不过,花销也增加了。However she might purport to love him, her world was of more importance than their affair.不管她自称多么爱他,她更在乎她自己的生活,而不是他们的风流韵事。However, many customers found the smell of this product distinctly off-putting.然而,很多顾客觉得该产品有一股异味,非常难闻。However hard she tried, nothing seemed to work.不管她怎么努力,好像都无济于事。This is a cheap and simple process. However there are dangers.这是个花钱少而又简单的方法,不过有些危险。However else we may differ, we have in common the fact that ...不管其他方面我们会有什么不同,我们有一点是相同的,那就是…However, the scheme is certain to meet opposition from fishermen's leaders.然而,这项计划一定会遭到渔民领袖的反对。However, the rationale for such initiatives is not, of course, solely economic.然而,这种提议的根据当然并不仅仅是经济方面的。However, for many Americans today, weekend work has unfortunately become the rule rather than the exception.然而,现在对于很多美国人来说,周末工作不幸已经成为了一种普遍情况,而非例外。However, their intentions are honourable.然而,他们的初衷是高尚的。However you look at it, it was a wicked thing to do.不管你怎么看待这件事情,它都是一件缺德的事。However you dress it up, a bank only exists to lend money.无论你如何粉饰,银行就是为了放贷而生的。However did you manage to get him to agree to that?你究竟是怎样设法让他同意的?We began to play tennis. However, it started to rain, so we went home.我们开始打网球。可是天下起了雨,所以我们就回家去。However one turns, one cannot evade the truth.不管你怎样回避,你总是无法回避事实真相的。However much it hurt, he could do it.无论有多痛,他都能做到。However much I try, I just don't understand him at all.不管我怎么去试,都根本没法理解他。However he tries, he never seems able to work satisfactorily.不管他怎么努力,他好像总不能令人满意地工作。However hot it is, he will not take off his coat.无论多热,他也不会脱掉外衣。




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