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词汇 Howard
例句 Howard sighed. He could not recall ever being this tired before.霍华德叹了口气。他不记得以前有这么累过。Mr Howard also hosed down speculation the Government would introduce tighter controls.霍华德先生也否定了政府要采取更严厉管控的推断。Howard had insulted her, but she thought it better to let it pass this time.霍华德侮辱了她,可她认为这次最好算了。He's a drama major at Howard University.他在哈沃德大学主修戏剧专业。He listened to Howard give the valedictory address at high school graduation.他听了霍华德在中学毕业典礼上作的告别演讲。She is a spokesperson for the Howard League for Penal Reform.她是支持刑罚改革的霍华德阵营的发言人。Howard's book is an entertaining book filled with tips on money management for twenty- and 30-somethings.霍华德的这本书非常有趣,里面全是给二三十岁的人提供的理财建议。Howard was faultlessly dressed in a dark blue suit.霍华德穿着一身深蓝色套装,无可挑剔。Howard County has a zero-tolerance policy on alcohol use by teenagers.霍华德县对青少年饮酒实行零容忍政策。Howard did some rapid calculations on the back of an envelope.霍华德在信封背面很快地做了一下计算。Mr Howard questioned whether the police were still in control of the situation.霍华德先生问,警方是否仍控制着局势。Two Manchester City fans, Geoff Watts and Howard Davies, coincidentally wrote similar letters to the club.说来也巧,两个曼城队球迷杰夫·沃茨和霍华德·戴维斯给俱乐部写了类似的信。Howard stood in the middle of the room.霍华德站在房间中央。He did not believe in Howard's honesty.他不相信霍华德为人真诚。The driver doubled back and headed for Howard Bay.司机从原路折回,向霍华德湾方向驶去。Alan Howard has been impressive in "Henry IV' at the National Theatre.艾伦·霍华德在国家剧院上演的《亨利四世》中的表演给人留下了深刻的印象。Howard seems to have retired from public life.霍华德似乎已经退出公共事务了。Howard gives out drinks to all the guests.霍华德向所有来宾送饮料。Serle has a blander personality than Howard.塞尔的性格比霍华德还要沉闷。Howard stood in the middle of the room sipping a cup of coffee.霍华德站在房间中央,小口抿着一杯咖啡。The board has confirmed the appointment of Howard Kendall as Sales Manager.董事会确认任命霍华德・肯德尔为销售经理。The director, Ron Howard, was dissatisfied with Nicole's response even after several retakes.虽然重拍了好几次,导演罗恩·霍华德仍然对妮科尔的表现不满意。Mr Howard released a statement in an effort to kill speculation in the press.霍华德先生发表声明,试图压住媒体的种种猜测。Howard Stern is one of America's best known shock jocks.霍华德‧斯特恩是美国最著名的电台怪嘴音乐节目主持人之一。Howard was working on the translation of a newly discovered novel by Jules Verne.霍华德在翻译一本新近发现的儒勒·凡尔纳的小说。What makes the problem worse is that Howard and Tina are not on the same wavelength about how to deal with it.让问题变得更糟糕的是霍华德跟天娜在如何解决问题方面意见不合。Howard had to have cancer surgery for a lump in his chest.霍华德不得不接受肿瘤手术以切除胸部的肿块。A wasp came towards us and Howard started flailing his arms around.一只黄蜂冲我们飞来,霍华德开始使劲挥舞胳膊。Their eldest son, Howard, is an administrator at Castle Park High School.他们的大儿子霍华德是城堡公园中学的一名行政人员。Marianne was tempted to turn the large rooms into traditional French-style salons, while Howard was in favour of a typically English look.玛丽安娜想把这些大房间弄成传统法式客厅的样子,但是霍华德喜欢典型的英式风格。The door was open, and Howard split.门开著,霍华德走了。One vehement critic is Michael Howard.其中一位言辞激烈的评论家是迈克尔·霍华德。Howard was a terrible gambler, and had squandered away the family fortune.霍华德是个大赌棍,把全部家产都挥霍掉了。It is Howard's custom to take his class for coffee after the lesson.霍华德习惯课后带学生去喝咖啡。Howard rode with us in the taxi, but the cheapskate didn't offer to pay any of the fare.霍华德和我们一起乘出租车,但是这个守财奴连一分车钱都不肯出。The film was directed by Howard Hawks.该影片是由霍华德·霍克斯导演的。Howard is a talented pianist.霍华德是个很有天分的钢琴家。The life of Howard Hughes cannot fail to remind us of the fable of Midas.霍华德·休斯的一生使我们不禁想起迈达斯的那个寓言。Howard Hawks hit paydirt with 'Rio Bravo'.霍华德·霍克斯凭借影片《赤胆屠龙》一夜成名。Mr Howard has declared that he is against all forms of racism.霍华德先生声明反对任何形式的种族主义。




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