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例句 I sympathize but how can I help?我表示同情,但是我怎么才能帮上忙?He mused on how different his life would have been, had he not met Louisa.他默默地想,如果没有遇到路易莎他的人生会多么不同。I know how you feel, because I have a similar problem.我知道你的感受,因为我也有类似的问题。My grandmother taught me how to knit.我祖母教过我编织。The body of the talk was about how to improve your managerial skills.讲话的主要内容是如何提高你的管理技能。I don't want to know how he died.我不想知道他是怎么死的。I just wanted to call and say hello and find out how you're doing.我打电话只是来问候一下,看你们怎么样了。Our therapists will show you how to clear your mind of worries.我们的治疗师会教你如何消除心中的忧虑。He gave a satisfactory account/explanation of how the accident had happened.他对事故发生的经过给出了一个令人满意的陈述/解释。The stock-market scandal is refusing to go away, mainly because there's still no consensus over how it should be dealt with.股票市场的丑闻迟迟没有消散,这主要是因为人们仍未就如何应对它达成共识。They want to know how you're doing. 他们想知道你过得怎么样。I can't even begin to describe how good the food was. 我简直无法形容那种食物有多好吃。That guy obviously doesn't have a clue how to put a Web page together.那家伙显然一点都不知道怎样凑成一个网页。Do you know how much we have in the till?你知道钱柜里有多少钱吗? Why should anyone dictate to parents on how to raise their children?为什么父母要让人对他们怎么养大孩子指手画脚?No one knows exactly how or where he met his end.没有人知道他究竟是如何或在何处丢掉性命的。Most schools nowadays prefer to use continuous assessment, because it gives a fairer picture of how the student has done during the whole year.大部分学校现在都喜欢进行持续性评估,因为这样能够更加公正地反映出学生在整个学年内的表现。The rash of accidental shootings underscores how difficult it will be to restore order here.一连串的意外枪击事件凸显了恢复该地区的秩序有多困难。Ask them to send you information on how to assess the value of your belongings.让他们把怎样评估你的财产价值的资料寄来。She looked at me queerly and didn't seem to know how to answer.她以奇异的目光望著我,似乎不知道如何回答。No one has suggested how this might occur.没人说得清这事是怎么发生的。Now we finally have some information on how the desert dust is fluctuating.现在我们终于有了一些关于大气中沙漠尘埃量变化的信息。The leaflet explains how the system will apply to you.这本小册子解释了这套方法如何适用于你。You know perfectly well how to do it.你完全清楚怎么去做。I remember thinking how lovely he looked.我记得曾经在心里暗想他的样子多么可爱。I don't know how I would have gone on without his support.要是没有他的资助,我真不知道怎样才能生活下去。I can't tell you how worried I've been.我说不出有多担心。Could you update me on how the work is progressing?你能告诉我最新的工作进展吗?Helen was always a difficult child. None of her teachers knew how to manage her.海伦这孩子总是很难对付,她的老师中没有一个知道怎样才能管住她。The coach knows how to push all the right buttons to get his players ready for the game.教练知道如何恰当地让队员们为比赛做好准备。He was as mad as a hornet when he heard how the election went.听到了选举进行情况他气得发狂。It wasn't until we each went our separate ways that I began to learn how to do things for myself.直到大家各奔东西,我才开始学着自力更生。The court heard how Mrs Taylor and her lover had plotted the murder of her husband.法庭听取了泰勒太太如何与情人密谋杀害丈夫的证词。The people wondered how the contraption worked.人们想知道这台奇特的装置如何运转。It's impossible to assess how many officers are participating in the slowdown.要估算出究竟多少高级职员参与了怠工是不可能的。It's her job to keep track of how the money is spent.她的工作是记录钱的使用情况。We rang the hospital again to inquire how the old man was.我们又打电话到医院询问那老人的情况。That's an expression she often uses to describe how she feels.那是一个她经常用来表达自己感受的词。It just goes to show how gossip can get out of hand.这正好说明流言蜚语是会弄得不可收拾的。"I'll be so glad when this project is finished." "And how!"“这个项目完成了我会很高兴。”“我也是!”




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