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How can I help you, ma'am?我能为您做些什么,夫人?Well, I enjoyed that. How about you two?.嗯,我觉得那很棒。你们俩呢?How can you play fast and loose with a girl's affections?你怎么可以玩弄一个姑娘的感情呢? How could she do this to me?.她怎么能这样对我?You rotten swine! How dare you?.你这个讨厌鬼!你竟敢这样?How is your daughter getting on in/at school?你女儿在学校学得怎么样?How long can you hold your breath?你憋气能憋多久?How much money did you spend?你花了多少钱?How can we apply this new technology to our everyday lives?我们怎么才能把这种新科技应用到日常生活中呢?I'll plan to pick you up at noon. How does that sound? 我准备中午去接你,怎么样?How are you? Very well, thank you.你好吗?很好,谢谢。How do you find yourself today?今天你觉得身体怎样?How long did the film run for?这部电影要放多长时间?How can you cut down the risk of cancer?你怎样才能降低患癌症的风险?How does a healthy diet help in the prevention of heart attacks?健康的饮食如何能防止心脏病的发作?How can you get angry with a car? It's an inanimate object!你怎么对汽车发火?它是个没有生命的物体!How can we feed a hungry world?我们如何养活一个饥饿的世界?How did you manage to do all this in such a short time?你是怎样做到在这么短的时间内干完这些事情的?How long will your money hold out?你的钱能维持多久?How do they cope with the conflicting demands of work and family life?他们怎样平衡工作需求和家庭生活需求之间的矛盾?How much is the check?该付多少钱?You broke the window? I can't believe you guys! How could you do such a thing?是你们把玻璃窗打碎的吧?我真的不敢相信是你们干的!你们怎么可以做这种事呢?How do they call you in the manor?在庄园别人怎么称呼你? How are you going to pay back all that money?你打算怎样偿还那一大笔钱?How are the wedding arrangements coming along?婚礼的准备工作进行得怎么样了?How can you stand aside and see the child badly treated?看着孩子受虐待你怎么能无动于衷呢? How do you judge when a house needs a new roof?你是如何判断房屋何时需要翻新屋顶的呢?How much it costs depends upon how much you buy.价钱取决于你买多买少。How did you split your trousers?你怎么把裤子撕破了?Please put me out of my misery. How do you do it?别让我着急了。你是怎样做的?How often do you use the library?你多久去一次图书馆?How you choose to conduct your private life is your own business!你选择怎么过你的私生活是你自己的事!Hiya, Jake. How's it going?嗨,杰克,你好吗?How can you be so cold and unfeeling?你怎能如此冷漠无情呢?How many miles is it from here to New York? = How far is it from here to New York in miles?从这儿到纽约有多少英里?How's your poor father?你可怜的父亲怎么样了? How do you say "goodbye" in French?“法语里的‘再见’怎么说?”How's Mary bearing up?.玛丽现在怎么样?How long is the Christmas break this year?今年的圣诞假期有多长?How much does a gallon of petrol cost?一加仑汽油要花多少钱? |