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词汇 hotter
例句 If he feels hotter than normal, take his temperature.如果他感觉比平时热,量量他的体温。With the approach of summer came longer, hotter days.随着夏天的临近,白昼更长,天气更热。The room seemed to grow hotter with each passing second.时间一秒一秒地过去,房间似乎也一点儿一点儿热起来了。It's usually hotter than this in June.六月的天气通常比这更热。It got hotter and hotter throughout the day.白天里,天气越来越热。Opening the windows made it all the hotter.打开窗户使气温更高了。Today is even hotter than yesterday!今天甚至比昨天还热!It got hotter as the day rolled on/along.天气越来越热。It was definitely hotter than any place in the tropics you'd care to mention.那地方绝对比任何热带地区都热。It got hotter, the boys peeled to get relief.天气越来越热,男孩子们脱去衣服凉快凉快。The water was hotter than she had expected, and she gave an involuntary yelp.水温比她料想的烫,所以她不由自主地叫了一声。It got hotter. You had to peel to get relief.天越来越热。只有脱掉衣服才舒服些。As the summer got hotter, the streams began to run more slowly.夏天越来越热,溪水流得慢了。The humidity makes it feel even hotter here.潮湿的空气令人觉得这里更热。It was so hot that we nearly melted. But seriously, it was hotter than I've ever experienced.天热得都要把人烤化了。不过说真的,这是我见过的最热的天气。People thought heat must be, an invisible, tenuous fluid that flowed from hotter to colder places.人们原以为热量是一种无形的、稀薄的液体,从较热处流向凉一些的地方。There is ample evidence that the world is getting hotter.有大量的证据表明全球正在变暖。Competition for the best jobs is getting hotter all the time.为找到最好的工作,竞争正日趋激烈。It's hot today, but it'll be still hotter tomorrow.今天很热,但明天会更热。The sun shone fiercely down and it grew hotter and hotter.烈日当空,天越来越热。It's hotter than hades today.今天真是热得要命。




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