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词汇 architects
例句 We're working with a team of architects on the plans for the new building.我们在和一批建筑师一起制定建造新大楼的计划。The architects have made imaginative use of glass and transparent plastic.建筑师们别出心裁地使用了玻璃和透明塑料。The college has produced several architects of note.这所学院培养出好几位著名的建筑师。Elements of the design were appropriated from other architects.这个设计的一些部分盗用了其他建筑师的成果。The architects finally hit upon a design that seemed to please everyone.建筑师最终想出了一个似乎令人人都满意的设计方案。He was articled to a firm of architects.他跟一家建筑师事务所签有见习契约。Physicians, architects, and garbage collectors equally sell personal service.医生、建筑师和垃圾工人都是一样出售劳务。The new generation of Mexican artists and architects were inspired by their own Indianist past.新一代的墨西哥艺术家和建筑师从他们自己的印第安文化传统汲取创作灵感。What is needed is a change of attitude on the part of architects.现在需要的是建筑师态度的转变。They had already established their credentials as architects with office buildings.他们建造了许多办公大楼,已确立了自己作为建筑师的资格。Bauhaus architects thought that function was more important than form.包豪斯学派的建筑师认为功能重于形式。Tinoco was one of the architects of the government's economic reforms.蒂诺科是政府经济改革的设计师之一。The architects took their cue for the design of the new hotel from the nearby banks.建筑师们对新旅馆的设计深受附近银行建筑的影响。He was one of the architects of the republic.他是这个共和国的缔造者之一。A limited budget kiboshed the architects' proposal.有限的预算使建筑师们的建议无法实行。Professional designers and architects steal ideas from each other all the time.专业设计师和建筑师总是相互抄袭设计思路。After many consultations with architects and builders, I decided to demolish the house.在与建筑师和施工人员多次讨论后,我决定拆掉那座房子。The public, meanwhile, hold architects in low esteem.与此同时,公众对建筑师并不看重。Matcham's theatres were widely disparaged by architects.马切姆设计的剧院遭到了建筑师的普遍抨击。The architects created an elevated lake.建筑师们创造了一片高出地面的湖。Both architects were part of the Modern Movement.两位建筑师都是现代派运动的一分子。The chairman will preside over an audience of architects and developers.主席将主持一个由建筑设计师和开发商共同参加的会议。He was one of the architects who planned the layout of the hospital.他是参与设计医院布局的建筑师之一。The building became the model of perfection that architects sought to emulate.该建筑成为建筑师们竞相模仿的理想典范。Both architects specialize in the restoration of historic buildings.两位建筑师都是专门从事古建筑修复的。




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