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词汇 hope for
例句 I had hoped for a little more from the world's greatest tenor, whose performance was workmanlike but hardly inspired.我对世界上最伟大的男高音的期望值更高一些,他的表演水平还行,却没什么激情。The President's hopes for the country were high-minded, but too vague.总统对国家的期望是很高尚的,但却过于模糊。He is our team's only hope for victory.他是我们队获得胜利的唯一希望了。That really knocked back any hope for peace.那的确使进一步的和平谈判成为了泡影。We have great hopes for the coming year.我们对来年寄予了厚望。He hoped for some news that would make life more bearable.他想要听到一些好消息,好让生活变得好过点。They'll announce their decision next week. Until then, she'll just have to hope for the best.他们下周将宣布决定。在那时之前,她只能抱最好的希望。The only hope for underdeveloped countries is to become, as far as possible, self-reliant.欠发达国家的唯一出路就是尽可能做到自力更生。The drug is a ray of hope for victims of Alzheimer's.这种药给阿尔茨海默病人带来了一线希望。All his writings seem to be penetrated with the idea of love and hope for his country.他的所有文章好像都充满了对祖国的爱与希望。Japanese car manufacturers have high hopes for increased profits in Europe.日本汽车制造商非常希望在欧洲获得更高的利润。I'm afraid there's no hope for us, unless you can give us the help we need.恐怕我们已没有希望了,除非你能给我们所需的帮助。She is Britain's brightest hope for a medal.她是英国最有可能夺取奖牌的运动员。A draw seems the best they can hope for.看来他们顶多只能指望打个平局了。He has hopes for preferment.他有希望得到晋升。That really knocked back any hope for further peace negotiations.那的确一度使进一步的和平谈判成为泡影。The doctor didn't hold out much hope for her recovery. 医生对她的康复不抱太大希望。It wasn't the critical success they had hoped for.这不是他们所希望的评论家眼里的成功。He had hoped for a dimple, but she ignored him.他曾指望看到对方莞尔一笑,可她并不理他。There's no way to know what the future will bring, so just take each day as it comes and hope for the best.我们无法知晓未来,所以只能过一天算一天,抱最好的希望。A second chance is the most we can hope for now.我们现在最大的希望就是能再有一次机会。New medical techniques provide hope for infertile couples.医学新技术给没有生育能力的夫妇带来了希望。The country's past record mutes any hopes for a diplomatic solution.该国过去的记录减弱了其寻求外交解决的希望。All had high hopes for his future.大家对他的前途寄予很大的期望。He hopes for a gradual disconnection from the federation.他希望能从联盟中逐渐抽身而出。He hoped for a turn in his luck.他期望自己时来运转。The Mexican president expressed hope for cooperation on trade.墨西哥总统表达了进行贸易合作的希望。The greatest hope for reform is the gradual spread of information.对改革的最大希望是信息能得以逐渐传播。The rain dashed their hope for a picnic.那场雨使他们郊游野餐的希望破灭了。He represents our best hope for a swimming medal.他是我们获得游泳奖牌的最大希望。I took the risk and hoped for the best.我冒了这个险,心里祈祷能够诸事顺利。The performers did not get the warm reception they had hoped for.表演者们没有得到所期望的热烈欢迎。Both sides hoped for an expeditious resolution of the dispute.双方都希望能很快解决这场纷争。We hope for the recovery of the stolen paintings.我们希望能找回失窃的画作。We all hope for the abolition of war.我们都希望消灭战争。He is a major medal hope for Kenya.他是肯尼亚夺牌的一大希望。There was a gleam of hope for a peaceful settlement.曾有过和平解决的一线希望。She is in a bad way; the doctor doesn't hold out much hope for her.她病势沉重,医生对她已不抱多少希望了。 Rohit may not be promoted soon, but he could hope for time-scale promotion after three years or so when he is eligible under that scheme.罗希特也许不会马上得到提升,但是他能期待在工作三年左右后凭资历升职。The manager's disfavour put paid to their hopes for promotion.由于不受经理待见,他们的晋升希望落了空。




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