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It's an honour to have you here today, Mr President.很荣幸您今天能来,总统先生。He soiled the family honour by his cowardice.他的怯懦辱没了他家族的荣誉。The guard of honour marched in advance.仪仗队走在前头。She felt she had to defend the honour of her profession.她觉得自己必须维护她所属行业的声誉。When Johnson arrived home after the championships a big parade was held in his honour.约翰逊参加锦标赛回来后,有人为他举行了一个大游行。To leave before the guest of honour would be out of the way.先于贵宾离席是不礼貌的。Chivalry and honour had shrunk, for them, to the dimension of a lawsuit.对他们来说,侠义精神和体面尊严都谈不上了,而且不堪到了非打官司不可的地步。The warriors valued glory and honour above life itself.这些武士把荣誉看得比生命还珍贵。He considered it a slight to his honour.他认为这是对他名誉的冒犯。I had the rare honour of being allowed into the artist's studio.我曾极有幸地获准进入那位艺术家的工作室。The two sides agreed to honour a new ceasefire.双方同意履行一项新的停火协定。The secret society had a strong code of honour.这个秘密团体有着一套严格的礼数。They decided not to honour an existing order for aircraft.他们决定不兑现已有的飞机订单。He is one of the old school who still believes in honour in public life.他思想传统,在别人面前仍然讲究体面。You should put your honour above all else.你应当把荣誉放在其他一切之上。The president was guest of honour at the society's banquet.总统是该协会宴会上的贵宾。Those right-wing people who most honour their monarch see no reason for any apology.那些对君主最为尊崇的右翼人士认为没有理由作出道歉。Perhaps as it is so close to noon, you would do me the honour of having lunch with me.很快到中午了,不知道你能不能赏光和我一起吃个饭。A state dinner was held in honour / honor of the visiting Japanese premier.为欢迎日本首相来访而举行了国宴。I consider it a great honour to be invited.我觉得受到邀请是很大的荣幸。She brought honour to her country as an Olympic medal-winner.她赢得奥运会奖牌,为祖国增了光。A farewell dinner was given in her honour.为她举行了钱别宴会。To honour them, everyone dressed for dinner.为向他们表示敬意,每个人都盛装出席晚宴。The party hit top gear when the guest of honour arrived.嘉宾到场后,晚会进入高潮。We esteem it an honour to be invited.我们能受到邀请不胜荣幸。I give you my word of honour I will not forget what I owe you.我以名誉担保,我欠你的我都会铭记在心。She received an honour for her services to the community.她因为社区提供服务而获得了表彰。Lord Montgomery inspected a guard of honour of the Irish Guards.蒙哥马利勋爵检阅了爱尔兰卫队的一支仪仗队。I have the honour to present the governor.我有幸向大家介绍总督。He was prepared even to die in order to defend the honour of his family.为了捍卫家族荣誉,他甚至愿意献出生命。The army acted with honour and chivalry.这支军队的行为英勇、侠义而充满荣誉感。Monuments were raised in honour of the dead.这些纪念碑是为纪念死者而修建的。Self-service stores must run on the honour system.自助商店必须采用无人监督的诚信制。He will attend an outdoor concert in his honour in the centre of Paris.他将出席在巴黎市中心特地为他举办的一场露天音乐会。Merits are given as an honour for exceptional achievement.特殊成就获得嘉奖。Rather than ostracizing women, we should accept and honour this eternal renewal of the feminine principle.我们不应排斥女性,相反我们应当接受并尊重女权主义原则的这种持续不断的修正与改进。He took the place of honour / honor on his hostess's right.他在女主人右首的贵宾座就座。The winner did a lap of honour / honor.获胜者绕场一周庆祝胜利。It is my honour to toast the bride and groom on this auspicious occasion.在这喜庆的日子里,我很荣幸地举杯向新娘和新郎表示祝福。He is an honour to the school.他是学校的光荣。 |