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词汇 honor
例句 The bridge is being renamed in honor of the city's former mayor.这座桥要改名,以纪念前任市长。I asked my older sister, Louise, to be my matron of honor.我请了我的姐姐路易丝当我的伴娘。My father considers it a point of honor to finish any project he starts.我父亲认为做事要有始有终,这是个荣誉问题。He wore his ethnic heritage as a badge of honor. 他身穿自己民族的服饰,倍感骄傲。A true warrior values glory and honor above life.一个真正的勇士珍视荣誉胜过生命。He was prepared to fight to defend/protect/uphold his family's honor.他准备为维护自己家族的声誉而战。The school principal read the honor roll list.校长宣读优秀生名单。The building was named in honor of the city's founder.这座大厦以城市创建者的名字命名,以示纪念。The home stadium is named in Robinson's honor.主场体育馆是为纪念罗宾逊而命名的。A banquet was given in honor of the visiting President.为来访的总统举行了宴会。Previously, we operated an honor system, where employees signed statements of residency but these were not verified. 过去我们实行一套无监督系统,员工签署居住声明,但并无人核实。He's a man of honor.他是个有气节的男人。He is the lawyer with the dubious honor of having lost the most cases in the firm.他官司输得最多,公司里其他的律师无人能获此殊荣。Leslie couldn't decide which of her college friends she wanted for her maid of honor.莱斯莉决定不了请哪一位大学时的朋友做她的伴娘。A state dinner was held in honour / honor of the visiting Japanese premier.为欢迎日本首相来访而举行了国宴。They held a banquet in his honor.他们设宴款待他The business honor of the company is beyond suspicion.这个公司的商业信誉毋庸置疑。May I have the honor of this dance? 我能有幸和您跳支舞吗?The team is retiring his jersey number in honor of his great career.为纪念他辉煌的运动生涯,球队停用了他的球衣号码。He was given a place of honor at the table. 他被请到了上座。He gave me his word of honour / honor that he wouldn't tell anyone.他承诺不会告诉任何人。The town remembered her as the heroine of the flood and erected a statue in her honor.这个小镇的人民纪念她是抗洪女英雄,为她竖立了一尊雕像。He called for quiet and announced that the next song was in our honor.他叫大家安静,然后宣布下一首歌要送给我们。They gave a party in honor of John.他们举行宴会招待约翰。The winner did a lap of honour / honor.获胜者绕场一周庆祝胜利。I bring this up, your honor, because I think it is important to understand the background of the defendant.法官大人,我之所以提及此事,是因为我觉得了解被告的背景十分重要。She was given/granted the honor of christening the ship.她有幸为那艘轮船命名。Try your best to honor your father.尽量尊重你的父亲。He made an impromptu speech about honor and responsibility.他以荣誉和责任为主题做了一场即席演讲。We fight for the honor of our country.我们为祖国的荣誉而战。The team brought honor to the school.这个团队为学校赢得了荣誉。The city raised a monument in his honor.市政府建了一座纪念碑来纪念他。He now sees his wartime injuries as a badge of honor.现在,他把自己在战争中受的伤看成是一种荣誉标记。A banquet was held to honor the retiring senator.为这位即将退休的参议员举行了一场宴会。He accepted the honor with humility.他谦逊地接受了这项荣誉。He is a man of honor.他是一个正直的人。The groom asked his brother to be his best man and the bride asked her sister to be her maid of honor.新郎请他的弟弟做男傧相,新娘则让她的妹妹当女傧相。She has a keen sense of honor.她非常有正义感。He wore his ethnic heritage as a badge of honor/pride. 他以自己的民族传统为荣耀。Is he worthy of such a signal honor?他够格获得如此大的荣誉吗?




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