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词汇 homely
例句 Brad was a serious boy, very ordinary-looking but not downright homely.布拉德是一个严肃的男孩,长相很一般,但也不是十分难看。He's a bit homely but nice.他相貌平平,但心地善良。The bonus of this homely soup is the brevity of its cooking time.这种家常汤的额外优点是烹制时间短。He went to the beautiful old Welsh dresser that graced this homely room.他走到为这间舒适的房间增色不少的漂亮的旧威尔士碗橱前。She is terrible skinny and homely.她非常瘦,相貌平平。Mrs Keane is a comfortable, homely person.基恩太太平易近人,喜爱天伦之乐。Mrs Jones was a pleasant, homely person with a ready smile.琼斯夫人和蔼亲切,总是面带微笑。The kitchen had a homely atmosphere.这个厨房有一种舒适的家庭气氛。The waitress was a homely girl from Kansas.服务员是来自堪萨斯州的一个其貌不扬的女孩。The man was homely and overweight.该男子其貌不扬,身材肥胖。The family photos add a homely touch.家人的照片使屋子带有一丝家的感觉。The bonus of this homely soup is the brevity of its cooking time.这种家常汤的额外好处就是烹饪时间短。We try and provide a very homely atmosphere.我们试图营造一种非常舒适放松的气氛。The hotel has a homely atmosphere.这家旅馆环境温馨。The hotel was homely and comfortable.这家宾馆简洁朴素,令人感觉舒适惬意。He has eaten his homely commons.他已把配给他的简单饭菜吃完了。The terracotta tiled floor gives the place a wonderfully homely character.铺着陶砖的地面让这个地方有种奇妙的家的感觉。The man was homely and fat.那个人长相平平,有点胖。When you went away you were just a homely wee slip of a thing.当年你离去时还只是个难看瘦削的小东西呢。Scottish baking is homely, comforting and truly good.苏格兰烘烤食品简单、温馨,吃起来十分美味可口。This hotel is a homely and comfortable establishment.这家旅馆亲切而舒适。He went to the beautiful old desk that graced this homely room.他朝屋里那张书桌走去;那桌子古旧而美丽,为这间简朴的屋子增色不少。A proverb is a simple and homely way of expressing a general truth.谚语是表达一般真理的简单浅显的方式。The psychologist explained my problem in homely terms.那位心理学家用浅显的词语解释了我的问题。A smile often illumines a homely face.笑容常使其貌不扬的人显得神采奕奕。I wanted a homely room but I wanted it to look smart, too.我想要一个像家一样舒适的房间,但也希望它看起来很漂亮。




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