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词汇 hollow
例句 Will their good intentions become realities or are they just hollow promises?他们的美好愿望会变成现实吗?或者只是空口诺言?They achieved a hollow victory over a team missing its best players. 由于对方最佳球员缺席,他们的胜利并无真正价值。Sedge is similar in appearance to grass but has a solid rather than a hollow stem.莎草看上去和普通的草没什么两样,但其草茎是实芯的而不是空芯的。The attacks on him rang hollow.对他的攻击空洞无力。He was thin and his cheeks were hollow.他很瘦,连面颊都凹陷了下去。Bake some big red peppers and hollow them out.将几个大红甜椒烤一烤,再把它们掏空。The mother turtle scoops out a hollow in the sand and lays her eggs in it.母龟在沙里刨坑产卵。Towards the end of his life he looked emaciated, his cheeks hollow and his eyes sunken.在生命即将走到尽头时,他看上去面容枯槁、双颊和眼睛都凹陷下去了。Make a slight hollow in the middle of each cake.在每一块蛋糕中间挖一个浅浅的洞。The bright hall light picks out every blond hair, every hollow and fold.明亮的厅灯照亮了每一缕金发和每一处凹陷与褶皱。He was sharp-featured, with hollow cheeks.他五官分明,脸颊凹陷。Below him the town lay warm in the hollow of the hill.在他下方,小镇卧在温暖的山谷里。Their eyes pop out and their mouths gape so wide they look hollow.他们眼睛突出,嘴巴大张着,看起来像空洞一样。Even sex had become a hollow pleasure.甚至连性都变得无聊起来。He was hollow-eyed and seemed very close to exhaustion.他眼眶深陷,看起来几乎要精疲力竭了。The hollow was wreathed in mist.山谷里雾气萦绕。Any threat to bring in the police is a hollow one.任何叫警察来的威胁都是吓唬人的。She scraped out a hollow place in the ground.她在地上挖了个坑。The victory looks rather hollow. That takes nothing away from the courage and skill of the fighting forces.胜利只是表面的,可这丝毫无损于战斗部队的勇气和技术。Their threats proved to be hollow.他们的威胁证明全是虚声恫吓。Having a successful career has proved a hollow victory and hasn't given them much satisfaction.拥有成功的事业被证明只是表面的胜利,实际上并没有给予他们多少成就感。She made hollow promises. 她许下了空口诺言。The hollow inside of the top section acts as a chimney and conveys the heat to the water, which boils in a few minutes.顶部的中空部分就像一个烟囱,将热量传递给水,使水在几分钟之内就沸腾起来。I made my home there, in the hollow of a dying elm.我在一棵快要枯死的榆树的树洞里安了家。A hollow sound echoed through the room.屋子里有空荡的回声。There was a hollow thump as the cars collided.车辆相撞时发出了空洞的撞击声。The hollow cuts into a low hill on the gently rolling prairie.延绵起伏的大草原上,这条山谷横穿一座小山丘。He looked young, dark and sharp-featured, with hollow cheeks.他看起来很年轻,肤色黝黑,五官分明,双颊凹陷。His protests on human rights sound hollow.他就人权问题提出的抗议听起来很空洞。His promises always ring hollow.他的种种许诺听上去都是空话。Their plea of national poverty rings a little hollow.他们关于国家贫困的托辞听上去有点空洞。He was short and thin, with hollow eyes.他又矮又瘦,双眼凹陷。We heard a hollow boom of thunder.我们听到低沉的隆隆雷声。His face was pale, his cheeks hollow, his expression drained.他脸色苍白,两颊凹陷,面无表情。We played my brother's school at basketball and beat them hollow.我们跟弟弟学校的小队进行了篮球比赛,轻而易举就赢了他们。The fire reduced the school to a hollow shell.这场大火把学校烧得只剩一个空架子了。Murray Pick's hollow laugh had no mirth in it.默里·皮克的干笑里没有一点快乐。His laughter resonated among the hollow rocks.他的笑声在空山间回响。The dog found a hollow in the ground to hide in from the wind.那条狗在地上发现了一个可以钻进去避风的洞。I held the bead in the hollow of my hand.我用掌心托着那颗珠子。




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