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词汇 Arab
例句 The spokesman favoured unity with the Arab nation.发言人支持与该阿拉伯国家统一行动。Athens had strong ties to the Arab world.雅典与阿拉伯世界关系密切。Enclaves are pretty common in Arab countries.在阿拉伯国家中,经常有飞地的情事。The book covers the entire span of Arab history.这本书跨越了整个阿拉伯的历史。The Arab nations agreed to meet in Baghdad.阿拉伯各国同意在巴格达会晤。This change is neatly illustrated by what has happened to the Arab League.这种变化鲜明地体现在阿拉伯联盟所发生的事件上。Heads of state from all over the Arab world gathered for the conference.阿拉伯世界的国家元首聚集在一起参加会议。He has a message from King Fahd, believed to be an appeal for Arab unity.法赫德国王传话给他,据信内容是呼吁整个阿拉伯世界团结起来。Morocco is a member of the Arab League.摩洛哥是阿拉伯联盟的成员国。The predominant opinion voiced by Detroit's Arab population seems to be one of frustration.底特律的阿拉伯人所表达的似乎主要是一种挫折感。Anti-Semitism is in full swing in the Arab world.在阿拉伯世界里,反犹太主义盛行其道。He has amassed an encyclopaedic knowledge of Arab culture.他积累了关于阿拉伯文化的广博知识。The palace was built in Cordoba, Spain, following the Arab conquest.阿拉伯战胜之后,把宫殿建造在西班牙的科尔多瓦。Some of the Arab tribes were persuaded to revolt against Turkish rule.有些阿拉伯部落受到劝诱,想反抗土耳其的统治。An Arab summit conference could be convened, and Arab unity, of a sort, would rule once more.阿拉伯国家首脑会议有可能召开,阿拉伯国家的团结,尽管是很勉强的团结,有可能再次占上风。The Arab nations agreed to meet in Baghdad.阿拉伯国家同意在巴格达会晤。An Arab boy was dragged into the compound as a suspect.一个阿拉伯男孩被作为犯罪嫌疑人拽进了院子。The Arab countries include Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Egypt.阿拉伯国家包括伊拉克、沙特阿拉伯、叙利亚和埃及。On the surface, it appears little has changed in the Arab world.表面上看,阿拉伯世界似乎没有发生什么变化。The findings will give the Israeli government an added incentive to accept the offer of talks with its Arab neighbours.这些发现会进一步激励以色列政府接受与阿拉伯邻国举行会谈的提议。They called the Arab cavalrymen camelback soldiers.他们把阿拉伯骑兵称作骆驼骑兵。A strong current of nationalism runs through ideology and politics in the Arab world.一股强烈的民族主义思潮涌入阿拉伯世界的思想体系和政治体系。Not a single Arab country is now a coalition member.并不是每个阿拉伯国家现在都是联盟成员国。The conflict fostered solidarity among Arab oil states.这场冲突促进了阿拉伯石油生产国之间的团结。The Institute is intended to promote an understanding of the politics and culture of the Arab world.该协会旨在促进人们对阿拉伯世界政治文化的了解。What are the reasons for mounting unemployment in the Arab countries?是什么原因造成了阿拉伯国家的失业人数不断增加?Senior Iraqi envoys have made contact with other Arab governments.伊拉克高级特使已与其他阿拉伯国家的政府取得了联系。He rode in on a white Arab steed.他骑著一匹白色的阿拉伯马来。Egypt is once again accepted as an important voice in Arab politics.埃及作为阿拉伯政坛的重要声音再次被认可。




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