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词汇 hikers
例句 One landowner says he has never had any problems with hikers crossing his property.一位地主称,穿越他土地的徒步旅行者从未惹上过麻烦。Even the most stouthearted of hikers would have had to turn back in this weather.即便是最有勇气的徒步旅行者,碰到这样的天气也会掉头返回的。The hikers stopped to orient themselves by looking at their map.徒步旅行者们停下来查看地图,看看身处什么地方。The lost hikers felt helpless.这些迷路的徒步旅行者感到绝望。The hikers followed the sinuous path through the trees.徒步旅行者沿着蜿蜒的小径穿越丛林。The rescue team reached the stranded hikers this morning. 救援队今天上午赶到了徒步旅行者被困的地点。The hikers covered long distances every day.这些徒步旅行者每天都走很长的路程。The hikers forged through the snow.徒步旅行者们在雪中缓慢而平稳地前行。The hikers took cover under a tree and waited for the storm to pass.徒步旅行者们躲到一棵树下,等待暴风雨过去。The hikers had reached the tree line by noon.这些远足者在中午到达了林木线。The hikers wandered away from the trail and got lost.徒步旅行者偏离了路线,迷路了。The hikers threaded their way through the thick forest.徒步旅行者穿过茂密的森林。The hikers tailed up the narrow path.远足的人们排成一列沿着羊肠小道走去。I ordered the hikers to clear off my land at once.我命令那些徒步旅行者马上离开我的领地。The hikers were panting by the time they reached the top of the hill.旅行者登上山顶的时候都气喘吁吁。On sunny days the trails are full of hikers.天气晴朗的日子里,这些小径上远足者络绎不绝。The hikers camped by the lake.远足者们在湖边露营。The landscape is dotted with the tents of campers and hikers.乡间散布着宿营者和远足者搭起的帐篷。The winding trail caused the hikers to lose their orientation.弯弯曲曲的小径使徒步旅行者迷失方向。If the hikers don't return by tomorrow, a search party will be sent out.如果到了明天那些徒步旅行者还没回来,就派出搜救队。The hikers dug a pit for the fire.徒步旅行者挖了个坑生火。One of the hikers kept lagging behind the rest of the group.徒步旅行者中有一个人老是比其他人走得慢。These mountains are a playground for hikers, skiers, and nature lovers.这些大山是远足者、滑雪者和热爱大自然的人的乐园。They marked the trail so hikers wouldn't go astray. 他们在小道上留下标记,这样徒步旅行者就不会迷路了。The hikers realized they had made a wrong turn and would have to backtrack.徒步旅行者们意识到他们拐错了方向,只得原路返回。As the hikers walked down the path by the house, she could hear the squelch of their boots in the mud.徒步旅行者们从房子旁的小径走过时,她能听见他们的靴子吧唧吧唧踩在泥里的声音。Suddenly a phantom appeared out of the mist, terrifying the hikers.突然,薄雾中出现一个幽灵,吓坏了远足的人。The hikers decided to pitch/make camp just before sunset.远足者们决定在日落前扎营。The hikers set up camp just before sunset.远足者们赶在太阳落山之前建好了营区。Early in the morning, hikers pack everything that they will need for the day's hike.一大早,徒步旅行者们把当天旅行所需的一切都装进包里。The hikers ran/dashed/headed for cover as the storm approached.暴风雨来临时,徒步旅行者们跑/冲上前去找躲雨的地方。The hikers sought protection from the weather under an overhang.远足者在屋檐下躲避暴风雨。Sports equipment stores in Alpine towns cater for the needs of walkers, hikers and mountaineers.阿尔卑斯山区小镇上的体育用品商店满足了步行者、远足者和登山运动员的需要。All types come here, from hikers to young campers.形形式式的人都到这里来,徒步旅行者、野营的青年,什么人都有。The hikers were drooping by the end of their walk in the hot sun.徒步旅行者在烈日下走到最后都精疲力竭了。The exhausted hikers stopped to rest halfway up the mountain.疲惫不堪的徒步旅行者在半山腰停下来休息。




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