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词汇 highly
例句 The staff are all highly experienced.职员都非常有经验。Its yellow skin makes it highly conspicuous.那婴儿的黄皮肤格外惹人注目。It's highly unlikely that the project will be finished on time.这一项目很有可能无法按时完工。It is a highly complex piece of legislation.它是一项非常复杂的法规。This is a highly marketable product.这是个非常有销路的产品。The survey proved highly informative.事实证明该项调查提供了极其丰富的信息。She was fired from the Broadway production after a highly-publicized falling-out with Weber.她与韦伯沸沸扬扬地闹翻后,被开除不能参与那百老汇剧目的演出。It was thought highly inadvisable for young women to go there alone.人们认为年轻女性单独去那里是极不明智的。Books about physics are usually written in highly technical language.物理学方面的书籍通常使用非常专门的语言。This was a highly influential work.这一作品影响非常大。A rose is a highly organized plant.蔷薇是一种有高度组织结构的植物。These fish are highly variable in color and pattern.这些鱼颜色和花纹各异。Many highly corrosive substances are used in the nuclear industry.核工业使用许多腐蚀性很强的物质。Your commitment to the cause is highly commendable.你对事业的奉献精神是值得高度赞扬的。The report is highly critical of the Department's past performance.报告对该部门先前的表现提出了严厉批评。Interpreters should be highly educated as well as fluent.口译员既应该语言流利,又应该接受过高等教育。Carbon monoxide is a highly poisonous gas.一氧化碳是有剧毒的气体。Japan is a highly competitive market system.日本实行市场体制,竞争非常激烈。Over the years it has developed into a highly profitable business.经过这些年,它发展成了高盈利企业。She was booted out of her highly paid job. 她被迫辞去了薪金丰厚的工作。The house is in a highly desirable location/neighborhood.这栋房子的地段非常理想。Working with wine, he has to have a highly developed sense of smell.他与葡萄酒打交道,必须具备高度发达的嗅觉。The Mafia runs a highly sophisticated drugs racket.黑手党极为老练地贩卖毒品。Transferred from Barcelona to Naples, Maradona signed a highly lucrative three-year contract.马拉多纳从巴塞罗那转会到那不勒斯,签了一份酬金很高的三年期合同。She found the question highly impertinent.她觉得那个问题极不礼貌。Jobs in Paris are highly sought after.巴黎的工作岗位很紧俏。Many dogs have a highly developed sense of smell. 许多狗都有高度发达的嗅觉。You can't offer such a low salary to someone who is so highly skilled - it's insulting.你不能给一个技艺如此高超的人这么低的工资——这简直是一种侮辱。The company looks for highly committed people, who are willing to study for further professional qualifications in their own time.该公司物色非常尽责、愿意利用自己的时间学习,以提高专业资历的人。He was behaving in a highly suspicious manner.他的行为举止十分可疑。The book is informative and highly readable.这本书内容丰富,而且饶有趣味。The data that's being used to fault American education is highly politicized.那份正被用来质疑美国教育的资料是高度政治化的。Some of the students are highly cooperative and attentive, but unfortunately, most aren't.有些学生很合作,很用心,但遗憾的是大部分都不是这样。She is highly respected for her professionalism.她因专业素质而备受尊敬。The whole affair has been highly suspect.整件事情一直都非常可疑。She's a highly educated young woman.她是个受过高等教育的青年女性。He tends to write bizarre and highly experimental pieces of music.他倾向于创作风格奇异且具有高度试验性的音乐作品。It is difficult to praise this immaculately researched work too highly.这项研究工作毫无瑕疵,怎样称赞都不过分。Paula was a highly visible character.葆拉是个非常引人注目的人。Chicken pox is highly contagious.水痘传染性很强。




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