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This is a complex task and demands a high level of skill.这是一项复杂的任务,需要很高的技术水平。It's the sort of work that calls for a high level of concentration.这类工作需要注意力高度集中。Many workers experience a high level of stress in their daily life.许多工人在日常生活中都承受着极大的压力。With much practice, she has achieved a high level of skill.通过大量练习,她的技术达到了高水平。He shows a high level of proficiency in Spanish.他精通西班牙语。The high level of radiation in the rocks implies that they are volcanic in origin.这些岩石内的高辐射显示它们是火山作用形成的。There was a high level of alcohol in his blood at the time of the accident.事故发生时,他血液中的酒精浓度偏高。A high level of anxiety was created by the introduction of cameras into the factory.工厂安装了摄像头后引起了工人们高度不安。At this stage a resin is used with a high level of adhesion.这步工序需要用一种黏合力很强的树脂。The new president has promised to root out high level corruption.新总统承诺要根绝高层的腐败行为。His method of obtaining a high level of productivity is demanding.他那种提高生产率的方法实施起来非常困难。They have demonstrated a high level of interest in this proposal.他们对这个提议表现出了巨大的兴趣。The high level of the pound is placing exporters at a serious disadvantage.英镑居高不下的汇率水平使出口商们处境非常不利。A high level of unemployment was the chief domestic economic trouble spot.失业率高是国内经济问题之症结所在。The government was right to maintain interest rates at a high level.政府保持较高的利率是正确的。Tests of the chemical have shown that it has a high level of toxicity.对该化学品的检测表明,它的毒性很大。A high level of professionalism is expected when working with clients.与客户打交道需要高水平的专业素质。He reached a high level within the Soviet political hierarchy.在(前)苏联的政治等级制下他获得了很高的地位。These workers enjoy a high level of job security.这些工人的工作非常稳定。Air France has maintained a high level of service for many years.多年来法国航空公司的服务一直保持着很高的水准。Playgroups tend to encourage a high level of parent participation.幼儿游戏组往往鼓励家长的高度参与。Public discontent with the economy remained at a high level.公众对经济状况仍然非常不满。The team played with a high level of intensity and aggressiveness.球队打得非常激烈,富有进攻性。She has played tennis at a high level.她的网球技术已经很高。Being a teacher needs a high level of motivation.当老师需要很高的积极性。Each trainee is expected to show a high level of expertise before they graduate.接受培训的每一位人员毕业之前都应掌握高水平的专业技能。The government was right to maintain interest rates at a high level.政府维持高利率的做法是正确的。The average food price has not decreased from the high level of a few months ago.食品的一般价格与前几个月相比,仍很高昂。People who suffer heart attacks tend to have a high level of cholesterol in the blood.心脏病患者血中的胆固醇含量通常很高。There is already a high level of environmental contamination.环境污染的程度已经很高。She shows a high level of technical competence.她表现出很高的技术水平。She showed a high level of ability as a runner.她表现出了作为赛跑选手的很高的奔跑能力。But now high level delegations will reopen talks that broke up earlier this year.但现在高层代表团将恢复今年早些时候终止的对话。The company continues to enjoy a high level of sales.该公司继续保持高销量。There was a high level of alcohol/lead in his blood.他的血液中酒精/铅含量高。Analysts are concerned about the high level of consumer debt.分析员对这么高的消费者债务水平表示忧虑。We were very pleased with the high level of participation in the charity events.我们为大家积极参与慈善活动感到非常高兴。 |