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词汇 heat
例句 The underground is insufferable in this heat.这么热的天坐地铁让人无法忍受。The heat was murderous and I had nothing to do.天气酷热难耐,而我又无事可做。I'll turn on the heat for a bit, just to take the chill off. 我要开一会儿暖气,驱驱寒。The sun radiates light and heat.太阳发出光和热。Helen sat uncomfortably in the stifling heat of the railway carriage.海伦坐在闷热的火车车厢里,感到很不舒服。Midsummer heat is closing over the city.这座城市正处于炎热的盛夏之中。I find the summer heat unbearable.我觉得夏天酷热难耐。She was indisposed because of the heat.她由于高温而身体不适。The heat penetrated through the wall.热量穿过了墙体。Please regulate the heat in this room so that we don't freeze and boil alternately.请把暖气调节一下,使我们不至于一会儿冷得要冻僵,一会儿又热得像在锅里蒸。Don't boil the milk, just heat it enough to take the chill off.不要把牛奶煮沸,稍稍加热使其不凉即可。I merely enquired, without heat, whether she would be ready any time soon.我只是心平气和地问了一下她能否很快准备好。They found a place to rest during the midday/afternoon heat.他们在正午/午后高温时找了个地方休息。As an asthmatic, he cannot cope with heat and humidity.身为一个哮喘患者,他无法应对炎热与潮湿。The leaves had shrivelled up in the summer heat.在夏日的酷热之下,树叶枯萎了。The summer heat rose off the pavement.夏日的热气从路面升起。The rain brought blessed relief from the heat.那场及时雨把人们从酷热中解脱了出来。Morning brought no relief from the heat.早晨也不凉快。Cut two slashes on each side of the fish to allow heat to penetrate.在鱼身两侧分别划两刀以便于传热。Reduce the heat to low and simmer.把火调到低挡,用文火煨。The heat was making me listless.炎热的天气使我提不起精神。The afternoon lagged by in a slow haze of heat.下午在炎热中慢慢过去了。She turned down the heat on the electric fire.她把电热取暖器的温度调低。The trees shimmered in the afternoon heat.午后的热浪中,树木闪着微光。You have to be able to take the heat in a responsible job like that.你必须能够承受这种责任重大的工作所带来的压力。The unaccustomed heat had left her feeling exhausted.异常的炎热使她感到筋疲力尽。Would you mind turning the heat up?你把取暖器调大一些好吗?I could feel the heat coming from the fire.我能感受到火焰发出的热力。It's important to keep the temperature of the oven at a steady high heat.使火炉保持稳定的高温很重要。They went to the hills to escape the summer heat.他们去了山中避暑。The heat from the explosion seared their hands and faces.爆炸的热浪灼伤了他们的手和脸。Greenhouse gases are widely believed to be causing the Earth's atmosphere to heat up.人们普遍认为温室气体导致地球大气层温度升高。We can't afford to heat the house in winter.冬天,我们没有钱给房子烧暖气。Some chemical compounds can be resolved by heat.一些化学化合物可以透过加热分解。Make sure the pan is off the heat.务必把平底锅从炉火上端下来。I'm the kind of person who really feels the heat/cold. 我是那种对冷/热天气很敏感的人。China dishes retain heat longer than metal pans do.瓷菜盆比金属盘留热久。Their house is incredibly cold - I don't think they heat it at all.他们家冷得出奇—我想他们根本就没开暖气。She won her heat.她赢得了分组赛。The passengers were visibly wilting with the heat and movement of the bus.由于天热和公共汽车的颠簸,乘客们都明显地蔫儿了。




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