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词汇 hearts
例句 The new star is certain to set young girls' hearts fluttering.这位新星肯定会使姑娘们心颤神往。The TV report about the children's work for charity touched thousands of people's hearts.电视上报道的孩子们为慈善团体所做的事令成千上万的人深受触动。I'm all for flogging, though bleeding hearts will cry that it's inhumane.我完全赞成鞭刑,虽然心肠软的人会大叫这样不人道。This is a subject very dear to the hearts of academics up and down the country.这个话题举国上下的学者都非常关切。I go two hearts.我出两张红心。Unconquerable jests have inspirited men's hearts in long periods of disaster.在长期的灾难中,无可抑制的戏言不断振奋着人心。We'd given the money out of the goodness of our hearts to help a friend.我们出这笔钱是为了好心帮助朋友。We took him to our hearts, and he repaid our friendship with sympathy and kindness.我们真挚地喜欢他,而他对我们的友谊报以同情和友善。The trump suit is hearts/clubs/diamonds/spades.王牌花色是红心/梅花/方块/黑桃。Just don't come around here with hearts and flowers.可别怀着伤感之情来这儿。It is not a person's gender that fits them to be a vicar but what is in their hearts.一个人是否胜任教区牧师一职取决于其品德而不是其性别。If there is a single subject guaranteed to strike fear into the hearts of parents, it is drugs.如果有一样东西一定能把父母吓得心惊肉跳,那就是毒品。He's broken a lot of girls' hearts.他令许多女孩伤心欲绝。The sound of gunfire struck fear into the hearts of the villagers.炮声使村民心惊胆战。Our whole hearts revolt against the way women have hitherto been treated.我们对妇女迄今所受的待遇从心底里感到厌恶。The music soared to the rafters, carrying its listeners' hearts.音乐响彻屋宇,震撼人心。It was not music to set hearts on fire or deeply stir the emotions.这不是那种能够点燃内心之火或者深深激发情感的音乐。We sometimes let our hearts overrule our sense of reason.我们有时会听任自己的情感驾驭理智。I think she knows in her heart that they're right. = I think she knows it in her heart of hearts. 我觉得她心里知道他们是对的。All those watching the attempt to save the drowning child had their hearts in their mouths.所有在场观看抢救溺水孩子的人都焦急万分。I said I loved her, but in my heart of hearts I knew it wasn't true.我说我爱她,可是在内心深处我知道这不是真的。The story seemed to touch the hearts of the students.这个故事似乎感动了学生。What evil lurks in the hearts of men?人们的心中潜藏着什么样的邪恶? If they succeed in winning the hearts and minds of the ethnic minorities here, they should sweep into power at the next election.如果他们赢得这里少数民族的人心,下届选举时他们就能以不可阻挡之势上台。I want everyone back in Cleveland to be eating their crummy little hearts out.我想让家乡克利夫兰所有那些烂人都懊悔不已。His footballing skills and extrovert personality won the hearts of the public.他的足球技巧和外向性格赢得了大众的喜爱。James has been making hearts flutter ever since he joined the company.詹姆斯进入公司以来,已迷得很多人为之心跳。If there is a single subject guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts of parents, it is drugs.如果只有一样东西定能让父母感到恐惧,那就是毒品。The idea struck fear into their hearts. 这个想法让他们很害怕。The singer conquered the hearts of his audience.那位歌唱家赢得了观众的心。She knew in her heart of hearts that it was a lie.她心里明白那是谎话。We've set our hearts on this little house in the country.我们渴望得到这幢乡村小屋。These sweets were in the shapes of hearts.这些糖是心形的。Lenin lives on in the minds and hearts of millions of people.列宁永远活在亿万人民的心中。We should all open our hearts and do something to help those poor children.我们都应该慷慨友善,做些事情来帮助那些可怜的孩子。She just goes on her merry way, loving men and then breaking their hearts.她仍在继续她的游戏,与男人恋爱然后再伤他们的心。Its fearsome appearance struck terror into their hearts.它那可怕的样子使他们胆战心惊。He knows in his heart of hearts that he is not the right man for that mission.在内心深处,他知道自己不是那个任务的合适人选。The sound of enemy planes struck terror into our hearts.一听到敌机的声音,我们就胆战心惊。They did it out of the kindness of their hearts. 他们做这件事是出于善心。




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