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词汇 heartbeat
例句 He has for years been the heartbeat of the French football team.多年以来他一直是法国足球队的核心。Abnormalities in the heartbeat were corrected by the insertion of a pacemaker.心跳异常通过植入起搏器得以控制。He's receiving medication for an irregular heartbeat.他因心律不齐正在接受治疗。The doctor detected an anomaly in my heartbeat.医生发现我心跳异常。The design department is the heartbeat of the company.设计部是公司的中心。This trace shows the heartbeat.这条描记线显示了心脏跳动的情况。Things can change in a heartbeat.情况会瞬间发生变化。Keane was the heartbeat of the team.基恩是球队的核心。Four electrodes on his chest monitored his heartbeat.胸部的四个电极监测他的心跳。She was taken to hospital suffering from an irregular heartbeat.她因心律不齐被送往医院。My heartbeat grew faster.我的心跳加快了。The patient had a rapid heartbeat.病人心跳很快。Even though the job was difficult, he says he'd agree to do it again in a heartbeat.尽管这项工作艰难,但他说他会毫不犹豫地同意再做一次。The idea is to maintain the regularity of the heartbeat.目的是要维持心跳的规律性。The doctor checked his heartbeat and respiration.医生检查了他的心率和呼吸。We need to watch for any sudden changes in his heartbeat.我们要留意他心跳的任何突变。She was suddenly aware of her racing heartbeat.她突然觉察到自己的心跳加剧了。His breathing/heartbeat is regular. 他的呼吸/心跳正常。Your baby's heartbeat will be monitored continuously.你的小宝宝将接受持续的心跳监测。Experimenters have succeeded in controlling the rate and regularity of the heartbeat.实验者已经成功控制了心跳的速度和频率。Doctors ran tests to determine the cause of his irregular heartbeat.医生做了一些检验以确诊他心律不齐的原因。The first track on the album begins with the sound of a heartbeat.专辑中的第一首歌是以心跳声开始的。I put my head on his chest but I could feel no heartbeat.我把头贴近他的胸口,但感觉不到他的心跳。I'd do it again in a heartbeat.我无需考虑,还会这样做。The whole incident was over in a heartbeat.整个事件一瞬间就结束了。Doctors watched the old man's heartbeat on a monitor.医生们通过显示器监测这个老人的心跳。I was a little breathless and my heartbeat was bumpy and fast.我有点儿喘不上气,心脏咚咚地快速跳动着。If I got the chance to travel abroad, I'd go in a heartbeat.如果有机会出国旅行,我很乐意去。The doctor listened to my heartbeat.医生听了我的心跳。She wasn't moving or responding, but he detected a slow heartbeat.她不动,也没有反应,但是他感觉到有慢慢的心跳。




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