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His evidence was all just hearsay.他的证词都只是一些传闻。I wouldn't take any notice of it – it's just hearsay.我不会在意,这只不过是传闻而已。Her judgements are based on hearsay rather than evidence.她的判断只是基于道听途说,而非真凭实据。You can't judge them solely on the basis of hearsay.你不能仅凭传言就对他们下判断。I'd heard stories, but that was all hearsay.我听到一些说法,但都是些谣言。A factual book is a lot better than relying on hearsay from friends.一本以事实为根据的书比依靠从朋友处听传闻要好得多。The court is not allowed to admit hearsay evidence.法庭上不容接受传闻证据。Rumour, myth and hearsay obscure the truth after months of bloodshed.在流血事件发生后的几个月里,谣言、谎话和传闻混淆了事实真相。They are incredulous of hearsay.他们不轻信道听途说。It's basically wrong to have your observation take off from hearsay.以道听途说所得作为意见的根据是根本错误的。She discovered a world of parties and pleasure she had hitherto only known by hearsay.她发现了一个以前只是略有耳闻的花花世界。They're supposedly getting married soon, but that's just hearsay.人们认为他们快要结婚了,但那只不过是传闻。Judge Wagenbach ruled that the statement was inadmissible as evidence, after Mr. Lamb's attourney argued that it was hearsay.兰姆先生的律师争辩说该项陈述属于道听途说,威根巴赫法官裁定它不能作为证据。The evidence against them is all hearsay.对他们不利的证据都是传闻。They started to piece the story together from hearsay.他们开始根据传闻把事情的经过一点点拼凑起来。All the accounts were based on hearsay rather than eye-witness reports.所有报道都基于传闻而非目击者的报告。 |