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词汇 have got
例句 We have got to stop cannibalizing each other.我们之间别再自相残杀了。My papers have got all mixed up.我的文件全给弄乱了。The rabbits have got out from their cages again, and are eating all the vegetables in the garden.兔子又从笼子里逃出来了,它们正在园子里吃着所有的蔬菜。We have got to get the message over to the young that smoking isn't cool.我们要让年轻人认识到抽烟并不是什么很酷的事情。I have got a bad cold.我患了重感冒。They must have got lost or they'd be here by now.他们肯定迷路了,不然他们现在已经到这里了。Liverpool have got through to the final of the FA Cup.利物浦队进入了足总杯决赛。They have got to abide by the rules.他们必须遵守规则。My notes have got in a muddle.我的笔记记得乱七八糟的。People with disabilities have got a vote as well, you know.你知道,残疾人士也拥有投票权。Under this government the rich seem to have got richer and the poor poorer.在这个政府的领导下,好像富人更富,穷人更穷了。I come from Missouri. You have got to show me.我是不轻信的,你得拿出证据给我看。They have got the doctor in to look at the child.他们请医生来给孩子看病。What on earth/the hell were you playing at? - You could have got us all killed!你到底在瞎搞什么?你差点把我们都害死了!We can't go on like this any more. Things have got to change.我们不想再这样下去了,应该有所改变。All passengers have got to exit at the next stop.所有旅客在下一站都必须出站。I hope to God that you have got the job.我十分希望你得到那份工作。I have got my car rejuvenated.我已请人将我的汽车修整一新了。I bet you could have got that cheaper at the market.我打赌,那个东西在市场上买肯定更便宜。Young players have got to be the way forward for every club.培养年轻球员应该是所有俱乐部谋求发展之道。I may be late – I have got one or two things to attend to.我也许会迟到,我有一两件事要处理。Things have got so much worse since you left.你离开以后事情变得非常糟糕。They would never have got into power if the whole thing hadn't been rigged.如果不是有人在背后操纵,他们是不可能上台的。I think the boss must have got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning!我想老板今天早上肯定心情不佳。I think I have got to stop or I might turn into a machine.我觉得我必须停下来,否则我会变成一部机器的。They have got a pile of exam papers to mark.他们有一大堆试卷要打分。They have got to be the worst band on the planet.他们一定是天底下最糟糕的乐队。I think you have got no right to order me about.我想你没有权利支使我干这干那的。Two of the lions have got loose from their cages.有两头狮子从笼子里逃了出来。My socks have got holes in them.我的袜子破了好几处。I have got my straw hat rejuvenated.我已将草帽请人修整一新了。We must make sure citizens have got flu vaccinations during this upcoming season.我们必须确保广大市民在即将来临的季节完成流感疫苗的注射。Laws have got to be tougher to stop discrimination against the disabled.法律必须更加强硬一些,以制止歧视残障人士。The wires have got all tangled up.电线全缠到一起了。People who think the song is about drugs have got the wrong end of the stick.认为这首歌是关于毒品的那些人完全误解了。She'll have got herself another job, I shouldn't wonder.她会再找到一份工作的,我对此不会感到惊讶。You boys have got to learn to behave yourselves.你们这些男孩子必须学着规矩点。The negotiations have got stuck on a number of key issues.谈判在一些重大问题上陷入了僵局。Foster cheekily suggested he should have got a bonus.福斯特厚脸皮地建议他该得奖金。If they want promotion, United have got to pull their socks up.如果联队想要升级,那就得好好努力。




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