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词汇 apply for
例句 You can't apply for the job until you have satisfied certain conditions.符合某些条件前,你不能申请这个工作。On second thoughts, maybe I won't apply for the job after all.转念一想,也许我根本不会申请这份工作。I am continuing to apply for jobs.我正在继续找工作。You know I won't stand in your way if you want to apply for a job abroad.我跟你说,如果你想申请国外的工作,我是不会阻拦你的。To apply for our credit card, just fill out this form and send it to us.申请我公司的信用卡,只要填写这张表并寄给我们就可以了。Before we can apply for funding, we must have strong, well-thought-out proposals.我们必须先提出有说服力、经过深思熟虑的建议才能申请拨款。She wanted to apply for the job, but they never let her get/have a look-in.她想申请这份工作,但是他们从不给她机会。Many students apply for admission to more than one university.许多学生申请了不止一所大学。You can apply for partnership status after two years.两年后你可以申请同性伴侣关系。Many people apply for these positions, but only a few make the grade.应聘这些职位的人很多,但只有少数人能成功。You probably won't need to apply for planning permission unless you live in a listed building or conservation area.除非你住在已列入文保名录的建筑或古建保护区之内,否则应该不需要申请规划许可。You might have left it a bit too late to apply for a place at university for this academic year.你现在申请这个学年读大学可能太迟了。Students may apply for an award for payment of fees.学生可以申请奖学金来交学费。Patricia encouraged me to apply for the job.帕特里夏鼓励我申请该工作。Managers will be invited to apply for a management buy-out.经理们将被请求申请管理层收购。Peers may apply for a place in the chamber for their peeress or husband.贵族们可以在议院里为自己的夫人或丈夫申请一个座位。Employees are invited to apply for the new position.欢迎员工来应聘这个新岗位。Students apply for admission to a particular college.学生们申请上某所大学。I need to know more about the job before I decide whether to apply for it.我决定申请这份工作之前,要对它有更多的了解。Prisoners are entitled to apply for parole.囚犯有权申请假释。He has to apply for a permit, and we have to find him a job.他必须要申请工作许可证,我们得给他找份工作。If you have never held a driving licence before, you should apply for a provisional licence.如果你从未有过驾照,那就应该申请一个临时的。At a future date, managers will be invited to apply for a management buy-out.在将来的某天,经理们将受邀进行管理层收购。You may be able to apply for exemption from local taxes.你可能可以申请免除地方税。She graduated with high enough marks to apply for university.她的毕业成绩足以申请上大学。This leaflet tells you how to apply for a driving licence.这张传单告诉你如何申请驾驶执照。To apply for a job, you must fill out a form.申请工作要填表。My Dad suggested that I should apply for the job.我爸爸建议我申请这工作。John decided not to apply for the job, which left the field open for Emma.约翰决定不申请这份工作,这为埃玛扫清了障碍。Many disabled people suffer from unjustified discrimination when they apply for jobs.许多残障人士在求职时遭到无端的歧视。The maximum number of universities you can apply for is six.你最多能申请六所大学。It can prevent identity theft, where fraudsters apply for credit cards or buy goods using other people's names.这可以防止身份盗窃,即防止骗子冒用他人姓名申请信用卡或购买商品。Students can apply for individual tuition.学生可以申请个别授课。I wasn't qualified to apply for the job really but I got it anyhow.实际上我并不具备申请这份工作的资格,但不管怎样,我还是被录用了。Both secular and religious institutions can apply for the funds.非宗教机构和宗教机构都可以申请这笔基金。I need to apply for a new driving licence.我需要申请新的汽车驾驶执照。He has to apply for a permit and we have to find him a job.他得申请一个许可证,而我们得给他找份工作。The local authority can apply for a supervision order for the child.地方政府可以为这名儿童申请监督令。I'm weighing up my options before I decide to apply for the job.我在权衡自己的选择,然后再决定是否要申请那份工作。At that stage I lacked the experience to apply for a management post.在那时期,我没有足够的经验去申请管理职位。




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