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词汇 hated
例句 She hated her job, but she toughed it out until she found a better one.她讨厌她的工作,但是她一直坚持着直到找到了一份更好的。She hated him for being so mean. Why was he stopping her from seeing her friends?她痛恨他这么刻薄。他为什么不让她与朋友见面?I hated school and couldn't wait to leave.我厌恶上学,恨不得马上就离开。We hated our uncle. He was fat and ugly, with tiny eyes and a long, pointed nose .我们讨厌叔叔,他又胖又丑,眼睛很小,鼻子又长又尖。He hated the superficiality, the neon glamour and the cheap prettiness of life in L.A.他痛恨洛杉矶浮华浅薄、灯红酒绿、纸醉金迷的生活。She hated being the other woman, but what could she do?她不想充当第三者,但她又能怎么办呢?She told him straight to his face that she hated him.她当着他的面说讨厌他。She hated her parents’ suburban attitudes.她很讨厌她父母的古板态度。He hated anyone who crossed him.谁要是和他作对,他就恨谁。He hated being single while his friends were pairing off and having kids.朋友们都成双结对并且有了孩子,他怨恨自己还是单身。He hated to have quarrelled with her.和她吵了一架,他感到很遗憾。She hated having to dicker with the management every time she wanted anything.她讨厌每次有什么要求都得与资方讨价还价。The building is hated by some and considered a work of art by others.一些人厌恶这座建筑,而其他人则认为它是一件艺术品。These kids get hated on for no good reason at all.这些孩子无缘由地遭到谩骂。He hated it when she spoke so crudely.他很讨厌她讲粗口。Their father hated to waste energy.他们的父亲讨厌浪费能源。People like that are to be pitied, not hated. 像这样的人应该得到我们的怜悯,而不是憎恶。He hated working for his father-in-law but he did it out of a sense of duty to his wife.他讨厌为岳父工作,但他这么做是出于对妻子的责任感。He hated pomposity and disliked being called a genius.他憎恶自负的作派,而且不喜欢被称为天才。Washing the kitchen floor was a daily chore, and it was the one I hated most.清洗厨房地面是每天要做的家务,我最讨厌这个了。At first I hated the damp weather in Britain.起初我不喜欢英国潮湿的天气。I hated his music at first, but it grows on you.我一开始讨厌他的音乐,可慢慢地它会让你越来越喜欢。He hated being stuck in the sour job but couldn't find another.他讨厌老是做这份枯燥乏味的工作,可是找不到别的差事。He hated to be valued for his looks alone.他讨厌别人只看重他的相貌。They were cordially hated by the local people.他们受到当地人极度的仇视。He had a real sense of fairness and hated injustice.他颇具正义感,憎恶不公平现象。His father hated him traveling with trash like them.他父亲讨厌他跟像他们那样的社会渣滓一起旅行。Mary has always hated parties, never being one to thrust herself forward.玛丽一向讨厌聚会,她从来都不是个想出头露面的人。I hated the Cold War. I think we're very well out of it.我痛恨冷战。幸亏我们没有卷进去。He hated always to be the bearer of bad tidings.他很讨厌自己总是充当噩耗告知者的角色。He hated the school and everything it represented.他讨厌学校和学校象征的一切。She hated conflict and did not want to be put in the middle.她厌恶冲突,不想被卷入其中。She hated them for betraying her.她恨他们背叛了她。He hated to part with that old car.他非常不愿意丢弃那辆旧车。My dad hated my boyfriend, and the feeling was mutual.爸爸讨厌我的男朋友,我男朋友不喜欢他。His co-workers hated him.同事们都讨厌他。I hated taking dictation from him.我不愿为他的口述做记录。I'd have hated for all that work to go for nothing.我很讨厌辛苦的白干。He hated being patronized and pitied by those who didn't believe his story.他痛恨那些不相信他经历的人的居高临下和怜悯。I hated having to leave behind all my friends.我很不愿意离开我所有的朋友。




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