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词汇 has to do
例句 No matter how expensive, he always has to do the latest thing.不管花多少钱,他总是要赶时髦。It's illusory to think success in life in the long haul has to do with how successful you are at work alone.认为未来人生的成功只与工作的成功有关是一种错误的观念。This letter has to do with Bill's plans for the holiday.这封信与比尔的度假计划有关。It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.这是个脏活儿,但必须得有人干。All she has to do is smile at him and he just melts.她只消冲他一笑,他就会心软。He thinks that all he has to do is to flip his fingers and I'll come running.他以为他只要打个响指,我就会跑过来。Alison has to do all those dull admin jobs like mail-outs and answering the telephone.艾莉森必须做所有那些乏味的行政工作,比如寄邮件和接电话。Some of it has to do with recent stage musicals, which have been very, very stylised.其中一些与最近几部有着浓厚艺术气息的舞台音乐剧有关。What the teacher now has to do is remove the reinforcement for this bad behaviour.现在老师要做的是避免这种不良行为更加严重。The firm has to do an enormous business in order to stay even.那商行得做笔巨额生意才能不亏损。Why is it always me who has to do the dirty work? 为什么总是我必须干脏活?He's been staying up all nights, busting a gut over all the work he has to do.他一连几天熬夜,拼命做所有该做的事。The President's message to Congress has to do with taxes.总统向国会提出的咨文与税有关。Excuse me, but I want to know what all this has to do with us.恕我冒昧,但是我想知道所有这一切和我们有什么关系。A lot of this has to do with power and greed.凡此种种都和权力与贪欲有关。




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