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She's enthusiastic and hardworking and has the potential to be an excellent teacher.她充满热情、工作勤奋,具有成为一名优秀教师的潜质。Max is hardworking, cheerful, and above all honest.马克斯工作努力、性格开朗,最重要的是为人诚实。She's as hardworking as they come. 她工作非常努力。Colleagues described him as a quiet, hardworking young man.同事们说他是个文静、勤勉的年轻人。He is certainly not handsome or hardworking or clever.他实在是既不英俊,又不勤勉,也不聪明。He is a sober, hardworking farmer.他是个稳重、勤劳的农民。She was a simple, practical, hardworking woman.她简朴,实际,勤奋。Unfortunately, the school has just lost two of its best and most hardworking teachers.不幸的是,这所学校刚失去两名最优秀、最勤勉的教师。We're just plain, hardworking people.我们只是普通的辛勤劳动者。She's not our best employee, but at least she's hardworking.她不是我们最好的雇员,但至少她工作努力。Karen was a model student: hardworking, intelligent and enthusiastic.卡伦是位模范学生:刻苦、聪明又热情。The princess tried to project an image of herself as serious and hardworking.公主想为自己树立起认真苦干的形象。They are hardworking, God-fearing people.他们是勤劳、虔诚的人。He was hardworking and energetic.他工作努力,充满干劲。Beth's an honest hardworking girl who I know I can trust.贝丝是个诚实勤奋的姑娘,我知道我可以信任她。Ferrets are not seamy. They are energetic,hardworking, even affectionate.雪貂并不讨人嫌。它们精力旺盛,勤劳,甚至还很富于感情。 |